From The Hill:

Southwest Airlines pilot on hot mic rants against Bay-area ‘liberal f—s’

A Southwest Airlines pilot’s recorded rant about Bay Area residents quickly went viral online this week, with the pilot at one point calling those who live in San Francisco “goddamn liberal f—s.”

The pilot, who Southwest has not publicly identified by name, can be heard in the recording beginning to complain about San Francisco residents amid directions from air traffic controllers on weather and runway conditions.

“F— this place, goddamn liberal f—s,” he said, before he was interrupted by an air traffic professional.

He later continues his rant, saying, “F—ing weirdos, probably driving around in f—ing Hyundais, f—ing roads and shit that go slow as f—.”

“You don’t have balls unless you’re f—ing rolling coal, man, goddamn it,” he added.

Here is the actual audio:

Did he say anything factually incorrect about San Francisco?


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By J. Kb

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