A buddy sent me this:


This is the best person Biden could have picked for this job.

You might wonder how a person with a background in adolescent medicine with a focus on eating disorders is qualified for this job.

You might wonder how the former Pennsylvania Secretary of Health who led Pennsylvania to have disasters COVID death rate that it did is qualified for this job.

You might wonder how someone who took their own mother out of a nursing home and put her in a hotel while creating policy that put other people with COVID into nursing homes is qualified for this job.

The answer is: Rachel Lavine is one of the highest profile trans-people in government.  Any criticism is therefore transphobia.  There is no fuck up too great that can’t be brushed aside as bigotry.

No matter what the policy does, how many people hurt or die, Lavine and Biden by extension are bulletproof.

For you and I, this choice is terrible. For Biden, it’s perfect.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Biden found the perfect person to F**k this up”
    1. The problem is that they will push new laws and regulations that will have an impact on your life. Make no mistake, the fundamental change/transformation Obama talked about will hapen under the Biden administration and at an accelerated pace.

      What was done to 45 over the last four years has to be done to biden/harris even more so. Hold them accountable for everything no matter how small.

  1. Just another in a long string of “highly qualified” individuals in his adminstration. After all, the Transportation Secretary’s quals are he proposed to his husband in an airport.

  2. Hey, at least she has some slight connection to her department, unlike Becerra who is just some creepy lawyer.

  3. There’s always some reason that the denizens of the Left cannot be criticized. One reason is as good (or lame) as another, I suppose.

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