I saw several news articles on possible cabinet picks for the Biden administration.

Holy shit.  It is a list of all the worst people, including some old Obama stooges, to ever work in the DC swamp.

From the New York Times:

Who Are Contenders for Biden’s Cabinet?

Amy Klobuchar: Ag Secretary or Attorney General.

Tammy Duckworth: possible Sec Def.  She continued to push the lie about Russian bounties on US troops after it was repeatedly debunked, in order to get Trump.

Michele Flournoy: deputy assistant secretary of defense, she serves on the board of the defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, which means more war for profit.

Lily Eskelen-Garcia: possible Education Secretary.  Former president of the National Education Association, she cares more about the teacher’s union than the students.

Randi Weingarten: other Education Secretary candidate.  President of the American Federation of Teachers, a labor union that hates children and holds them hostage for money.

Jay Inslee: possible Energy Secretary.  Famous for his plan to close U.S. coal plants by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions by 2045.  He will cause your power bill to exceed your mortgage, gas to go to $10 per gallon, and rolling blackouts across the United States.  He will be the death of the American economy.

Ernest Moniz: possible Energy Secretary.  He played a critical role in negotiating technical details of the Iran nuclear deal.  He facilitated Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.

Vivek Murthy: possible Surgeon General or Secretary of Health and Human Services.  He was Obama’s surgeon general.  He was totally unqualified, having done no medical research, taught at no medical schools, managed no hospitals, and had barely practiced medicine.  He was selected to be Surgeon General because he founded a PAC, Doctors for Obama, and was rewarded for his politicking in a lab coat.  He is also an advocate for using the term “health crisis” to push gun control.

Val Demings: possible DHS Secretary.  Congresswoman and former Orlando Police Chief.  Top Cop of the murder capital of Florida.  I’m sure Orlando elected her to Congress so that she could fail upward and they could put someone less awful in as police chief.

Xavier Becerra: possible AG.  We all know who this anti-gun fuck-nut is.

Doug Jones: possible high ranking DOJ official but not AG.  We just kicked his ass out of Alabama.  Kimber, Remington, and Styer all in Alabama and he pushed gun control and wanting to eliminate the PLCAA.  Fuck this guy.

Sally Yates: possible high ranking DOJ official.  She led the malicious attack on General Flynn using entirely fictitious evidence.  She is a corrupt political agent.

Susan Rice: high ranking official in the State Department.  We know what she did, blamed the Benghazi attack on a video and unmasked people for speaking up against Obama.  A real piece of shit.

Eric Garcetti: head of DOT.  Former Mayor of LA, home to the worst traffic in the United States.  But don’t worry, while you are going nowhere slowly on mandatory public transportation, your bus will run on clean, renewable energy.

Elizabeth Warren: possible Treasury Secretary.  She will figure out how to reach into your savings and 401(k) to get at all that money you selfishly put away and are hoarding from the government.

Pete Buttigieg: possible head of the VA or UN Ambassador.  McKinsey & Co. stooge, who despite being as privileged as a human being can be, managed to elevate himself to the status of an oppressed victim because he’s gay.

Also from the New York Times:

Progressives’ Wish List for Biden Starts With Warren and Sanders

Two prominent progressive groups, the Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats, on Wednesday urged President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. to name left-leaning allies including Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders to top government posts, firing an opening salvo in the left’s campaign to exert influence over Mr. Biden’s agenda.

The public appeals from the Sunrise Movement, a group of young climate organizers, and Justice Democrats, a grass-roots organization that has helped elect people like Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, signal the beginning of the left’s intense efforts to pressure Mr. Biden over the makeup of his executive branch and his administration’s immediate priorities.

She Guevera is trying to broker herself into being the power behind the throne.

Ms. Warren and Mr. Sanders are both said to be interested in the jobs. But appointing them to top government posts would be complicated by the fact that the states they represent, Massachusetts and Vermont, are led by Republican governors, and Democrats would want to make sure that any replacements would caucus with them to keep the balance of the Senate intact.

Also on the groups’ list are:

      • Representative Barbara Lee of California for secretary of state
      • Keith Ellison, the attorney general of Minnesota, for attorney general
      • Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, one of the four congresswomen known as the Squad, for secretary of housing and urban development
      • Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington, a co-chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, for secretary of health and human services

That’s bad, very bad.  But it gets worse.

The Radical Left is telling Biden that he owes them for getting out the youth vote.  They have his old, wrinkly balls in a vice.  The Squad and their allies are going to try and muscle Biden into filling his cabinet with people they want.

From the New York Daily News:

AOC asks Twitter to help pick a ‘dream cabinet’ for President-elect Joe Biden. Here’s what she got.

“Put Ilhan Omar in charge of Homeland Security, if that has to exist,” wrote Twitter user K.C. Sinclair. “She will keep those babies safe and focus on the real threat of white supremacy.”

That user also wanted to see fellow “Squad” members Rashida Tlaib and Ayana Pressley in AOC’s hypothetical “Dream Cabinet.”

The Department of Homeland Security was created post 9/11 to put intelligence and law enforcement all under one roof so that disparate bits of information wouldn’t be overlooked again to prevent another 9/11.

It would be the zenith in Progressive actions to then make the DHS Secretary a radical Islamist and 9/11 apologist.

Sinclair recommended Tlaib (D-Mich.) to head the Department of Justice, while Pressley (D-Mass.) would handle Health and Human Services in her best-case scenario.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s name came up several times and for a handful of positions.

“Elizabeth Warren and several Elizabeth Warren clones,” comedian Ashley Nicole Black suggested to fill Biden’s cabinet.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who one Twitter user wanted to see as the next Secretary of Defense. Others saw Sanders taking on an economics role.

Projections and demands put some of the most maliciously corrupt and aggressively Progressive swam monsters to ever serve in DC into the Biden Cabinet.

At the very best, it will be business as usual under the Obama Administration.  It will most likely be much worse than that.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Biden is getting the band back together”
  1. Keith Ellison in charge of DOJ and Ilhan Omar in charge of DHS would have radical islamists in charge of the two cabinet departments charged with protecting us from terrorist attacks. In addition, with Omar as DHS secretary, no investigation into her past criminal action would ever happen (not that it will in a Biden administration anyway).

    1. She’s a Law Enforcement Officer, which means she has training and can be trusted with that firearm, but you are just a civilian so you can’t be trusted. That she lost her gun and you haven’t doesn’t change that fact.

  2. Make popcorn, a lot of Dems will be expending lots of political capital on internecine squabbles. Also expect the House to be a replay of Obama’s first term where the Democrats largely squandered their majority fighting each other. The good news is Pelosi will be challenged and end up either deposed or weakened with a possible primary attack in 2022

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