Under Donald Trump, Israel signed peace and trade deals with several of its Arab neighbors and would have signed with Saudi Arabia by now had Trump been reelected.

Biden is following in Obama’s footsteps of disassociating from Israel and is going to set the Middle East on fire again.

And don’t tell me how many Jews Biden has as top advisors.  Obama did the same.  They are all non-practicing Leftists.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Biden is the Jew-hating Nazi that they all claimed Trump was”
  1. She didn’t even have to “circle back” for that one. So does Kamala, AOC, or Ilhan have Joe’s testicles in a box?

  2. In ’90s sitcoms, you had the “token black character”. The only non-white person in the cast, existing only for “diversity”, and usually not an accurate rendition of the culture they’re supposed to represent — more of a running stereotype or caricature. They don’t talk or act how black people talk and act; they talk and act how cloistered white people think black people talk and act.

    Biden has “token Jews”. Handpicked for “diversity”, and not an accurate rendition of Judaism — more of a running stereotype or caricature. They don’t talk or act in the interest of their fellow Jews; they talk and act how “Progressive” non-Jews tell them to talk and act, which — because “Progressive” — is nearly always against the interests of their fellow Jews.

    And they do this because, as has been pointed out here many times, they are “Progressive Jews”: “Progressives” first, Jews a distant second (or not at all except in name). They would have to be, because “Progressivism” is one of the most anti-Semitic ideologies ever to stain the face of the Earth.

  3. Ah, J, those folks are _practicing_ Leftists. ?

    (Yes, I know that you were referring to their religious practices. English is a funny language.)

  4. “Biden is following in Obama’s footsteps of …”
    The “Biden” administration IS the Obama administration, term 3.

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