In Florida this afternoon, Vice President Joe Biden reminded supporters that thanks to President Obama, they could now get colonoscopies without a co-pay
via Biden promotes free colonoscopies to seniors in Florida |
Dear Mr. Vice President: The reaming has been going on for the better part of almost four years. Thank you.
WhooHoo!!!! 🙂
He’s looking for his brains… he figgers somebody’s got em.
free anal probes? Hey we didn’t even need an alien invasion to get this bonus! ain’t that some cool shit!……
pardon the obvious sarcasm.
“Dear Mr. Vice President: The reaming has been going on for the better part of almost four years….”
…and it’s been far from ‘free’.
Of course Obamacare mandates colonoscopy be done by a politician with a flesh-based scope!
On a similar note, many of my Vermont family had Dr. Howard Dean as a physician. On of them happens to be Conservative (They call him the “Black Sheep”) and he received his prostate digital exam from Dr. Dean.
When Dean was running for President in 2004, he advised all not to shake his hand at events because he had first-hand knowledge where that hand had been! 😀