The Biden administration will acquiesce to letting the WHO investigate a US military base for the origin of COVID.

General Milley won’t stop this.  Doing so will risk him becoming a talking head on MSNBC and being on the boards of various business when he retires.

We will participate in our own destruction at the hands of the CCP because it will enrich our leaders.  The COVID lockdowns did it once, this sort of investigation will just do it again.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Biden will acquiesce to this”
  1. Let’s see now, the ChiCom party rag demands we hand over our military secrets and our government will likely go along. Nah, that would be almost as stupid as asking Cuba to investigate racism in the USA.


  2. I’ve been on a couple of post over the years that were some what scary. Driving on to post and seeing the guys mowing the lawns and using weed eaters in full MOP gear was, to say the least, a bit concerning. And yeah, there was a reason for it.

    Or having my escort stop me and tell me we could wait 30 minutes before we crossed the road to the parking lot because there was a vehicle coming down the road with escort. The sort of escort for stuff that scared my guy white.

    These are the same sorts of guys that didn’t blink around working with certain chemical weapons things because “We make sure all the intermediate products are safe”. (I learned that there are easy ways to make VX and hard ways to make VX. The easy way has by products and intermediate products that are as deadly if not more so than the final product. The hard way never has “really nasty stuff” until the end product.).

    But working at fort Detrick was different. My contact there told a story of a building that had been sealed for 30 or 40 years. Every 5 to 10 years they would open it up enough to send in a team to test and they came back out scared and resealed the building.

    There is no way I want our friends on Ft. Detrick, much less our enemies.

  3. Half a million Chinese with Internet access (ie, party members in good standing) sign a petition they were ordered to.

    We should let the Chinese into some of those sealed buildings, sans protective gear, and seal them in.

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