Kamala reminds Biden to put on his mask
Weekend at Joey’s pic.twitter.com/YBhYO7euls
— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) February 25, 2021
I don’t mind he forgot the mask. Anybody may have a momentary slip and forget it. What calls my attention is the body language itself: He looks tired as he had been on the job of president for eight years and not barely two months.
And I am not sure if he is wearing body armor or a brace. The whole movement thing does not look fluid or vital but forced and exhausted.
But that is just my opinion on Premier Joe.
The facial expression when he put the mask on reminds me of my late father’s dementia before he passed. Just an observation, I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on television.
I see it too. My father passed away from Alzheimer’s recently and, when I see Biden like this, I see a LOT of my dad not long after his diagnosis.
It’s heartbreaking for Biden and his family that he appears to be going down this road….but it’s going to be hell for the rest of us too in this case…
I saw that a number of comments used the word “robotic” to describe his motions. That was my exact reaction looking at the way he holds his right arm at the start of that video.
No he shouldn’t wear a mask. He’s the president, as humans we communicate with our whole face.
To do a press conference we should see his face.
Moreover, he’s been vaccinated and the selling point should be get the vaccine and no more mask.
Not just Forgetful Boy has been vaccinated… I presume everybody in the room has been vaccinated. But the camera is on! The virus can be transmitted by video, even if the person in front of the camera has been vaccinated so there’s no virus to transmit!
And, yeah, animatronic. But animatronic figures are required to wear masks, as are cartoon characters, even if the cartoons are reruns from the 1980s.
It’s Calvinball. You never play it the same way twice, and no one’s allowed to question the masks.
J, that’s factually correct. But the propaganda coming out of the administration, including alleged medical people, is that vaccination doesn’t matter, you still have to obey orders for a long time — end of the year or early next year gets mentioned. By order of the CCP and the teacher’s unions…
All I hear when this fool is on TV is “I’m a goofy goober, yeah!” 😉
He kind of walked like that for years. Very stiff back, very little hip or shoulder motion. I think I first noticed it when 0 selected him as running mate in ’08. Although, this is a lot more exaggerated.
I have a buddy that has had several back surgeries, and he walks a bit like that too. But, he has an excuse. Not sure what Joe Burden’s reason is aside from being a stuffed shirt.
If you remember far enough back, in the Reagan years we were all speculating as to the health of the succession of Soviet premiers. “Is Brezhnev still alive?” Wonder if we’ll do that for Poor Old Joe.
Jill Biden, Harris and DNC should be brought up on elderly abuse charges.