By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Bigoted George Takei inserts foot in mouth…energize!”
  1. Meh, Sulu has turned a three year stint as a minor character on a ’60s TV series into a life long career. I didn’t know appearances at SciFi cons could be so lucrative.

  2. I think he has gotten to the point that he is now just changing feet.
    And never mind that there is no substantial proof that Rep. Scalise is a bigot. Period.

    1. Takei is a gay liberal. Scalise is neither. Therefore Scalise is by default bigoted.
      So goes liberal lofic.

  3. Sen. Scalise’s voting record on LGBT issues is virtually identical to that of former Senators Clinton and Obama, not to mention current Senators Warren and Sanders.

  4. He continues to make himself look foolish. So, in his mind, if anyone disagrees with the immorality of homosexuality, then it is okay if they die at the hands of a LIBERAL terrorist. That’s right…he was a terrorist, and a Bernie Bro, and egged on by the Fake News Media, and is the very reason why we must all be armed.

    For poor GT, perhaps he would like to go to a muslim country and take their flying lessons off buildings to see what actual homophobia looks like in practice.

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