This is a Tweet from New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio:

Let us be clear on this.

The Coronavirus spread like wildfire in New York City because of the New York City subway system (and other forms of public transportation).

It’s easy to see why.


Cramming millions of people per day into a cold, small, metal tube underground with no sunlight or fresh air creates the ideal conditions to spread a respiratory virus.

But what did Bill de Blasio do?

He went after Jews praying in Synagogues.

Millions of people breathing into each other’s faces in a giant coffin on wheels is an essential service, but praying Jews are what pose an existential danger to New York City.

This Sandinsiata-loving, Jew-hating, Marxist can get fucked by the Empire State Building’s spire for all eternity.


A buddy sent me this screen grab from de Blasio.


So if you are keeping track, the Mayor of New York is threatening to arrest worshiping Jews but Muslims get free Halal food to break the daily fast.

A search of Bill de Blasio’s Twitter account doesn’t show any offer of Kosher food to Jews who couldn’t attend a Synagogue Seder because of the Coronavirus.

The First Amendment says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

We’ve been focused on the “prohibiting the free exercise thereof” part because of the states and cities shutting down churches and synagogues.

I suspect this is a violation of the “make no law respecting an establishment of religion” part as the lockdown harmed celebrants of Passover, Easter, and Ramadan, but NYC only handed out food for Ramadan.

The Mayor of New York really is a 6’5″ pile of shit.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Bill de Blasio is Jew-hater, this proves it – Update”
  1. I refuse to listen to any calls of “saving lives” by any politician who doesn’t oppose abortion. Or in our current situation refuses to consider, or even acknowledge, all of the people who will die as a direct result of these draconian edicts. They take our guns, our religion, our livelihoods, and our very right to self-determination. And if they haven’t already they’ll probably try to propose taking our children away if we don’t comply with their every whim under the guise of “public health”.

  2. As a former NYC/Brooklyn resident, I must say this. The Hassidic Jews do whatever they want to do AND then demand the taxpayer to foot the bill. They will play the religious freedom card. GREAT. Just Don’t expect the rest of the neighbors to pay however. Gather in large groups and get sick. Pay for it yourself.

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