Specific Steps You Can Take to Oppose the Coming Obama/Biden Gun Controls

I’m going to do a short series of posts on this topic over the next few days with specific ideas for various communities of gun owners. Whether you’re just some gal who owns guns and finds their “gun community” online, own a commercial gun range or shop, or are a member of a community gun club, I’m going to collect specific actionable, easy ideas for you to think about. Today’s list is for gun shops and gun ranges.

If you don’t have Shall Not Be Questioned in your bookmarks or feed, please add it. Bitter and Sebastian are damn good bloggers and premier Gun Advocates

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Bitter gives darn good pointers for the fight.”
  1. Thank you very much for the link & kind words! I’m going to do a post geared toward non-commercial (i.e. community) gun clubs, one for online communities, and one for individuals.

  2. Part of the fight is not blowing all your financial reserves on AR lowers and mags, invest something in support of whatever organization you think is getting out there and spreading our message, whether it’s the NRA or someone else.

  3. I am often asked about them. I simply have not had the time to investigate how their funds are used in detail, which is important to me. That is no slight against them, as I say, I just have not had the time to investigate. Further, I am not sure how approachable their rhetoric is to non gun owners or liberal Jews. Arguably they have an “air” of radical-ness in their message, although I do agree with it 100%, it’s just in my opinion, not as gently packaged as it might need to be. Reasonable minds could disagree of course. And all that said, I am not sure how much influence they have politically, which is vitally important.

    1. Legally, they cannot have any influence in the political debate. They are a 501(c)3, a public charity. That means they cannot effectively lobby government at any level and they are 100% banned from anything to do with electioneering.

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