Via The Feral Irishman.

Usually, this kind of exploit would be reported through HackerOne, or another kind of bug bounty program. This kind of program would report the exploit to the company directly so they could fix it before a blog post about it is published, and would award a cash prize to whoever found the bug. However, as BRCC didn’t give Kyle a chance for his case to be heard before damning him, we, in turn, are not waiting to divulge this exploit or go through any responsible disclosure process. Call it karma.

Black Rifle Coffee Company Hackable: Zero Ethics, Zero Security – FMShooter

It could have not happened to a nicer bunch. In old times, I would have some doubts about the nastiness of the lesson, but we are in new harsher times were being disconnected from your customer base requires a dutiful spanking in your wallet. And siding with the people against Self -Defense require a battery acid enema.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Black Rifle Company site reported unsafe BEFORE they were given a chance to fix it.”
  1. Yup. Very disappointed in a “veteran “ owned company.. I ran into the same thing with “veteran “ owned suppressor manufacturer. I had 10 guys lined up to purchase and the company lied to me repeatedly. They even lied to the better business bureau.. buyer beware. Oh and karma baby!

  2. Stopped buying their product as soon as I heard of their high-handed , bordering on woke stance. The way I put it to a shop ( that USED TO carry their stuff ) was very simple- They had come out on the wrong side of the Rittenhouse case, and there are a lot of companies that sell coffee.

  3. BRCC’s spastic response just reinforces the notion I’ve had that they were a pack of lefty grifters who latched onto ‘veteran’ cachet for sales and good-boy pats on Twitter.

    Serves ’em right.

  4. I bought into their schtick to begin with. The more I saw of Best, Hafer, and crew, the more I was convinced they were just a marketing firm that sold shitty coffee.

    Their whiskey (Leadslingers) is hot fucking garbage too (a shot of 87 octane gasoline would probably be smoother and cheaper). The good ol’ boys in the hollers of eastern TN can make better product and don’t have to resort to BroVet marketing to convince people to buy it.

    TL;DR – [Insert Jeremy Clarkson, “Oh no! Anyway….” meme here]

  5. The task for these guys following the Rittenhouse “endorsement” scandal was simple. Shut up, and make coffee. But they didn’t do that. Instead of wisely saying “We neither condone nor condemn the actions of anyone not related to our company” they took a decidedly different stance. Then they doubled down on it, parroting the MSM lie that the Proud Boys are a racist organization.

    I remember a couple of things from when these guys first started. 1. They used to claim they sent a portion of their profits to gun rights organizations. They no longer make that claim. I wonder if they ever actually did? 2. They committed an outright scam in their first couple years, advertising their original coffee blend “Just Black” as “Freedom Blend”, then later recanting, saying the only thing that had changed was the packaging, and it was the same old coffee. They literally packaged the same coffee in a different box, advertised it as a different blend of coffee, then walked it back to saying “well, it’s just different, patriotic packaging”.

  6. Grind your own coffee, whether you roast green beans yourself or buy them roasted. Nothing beats the taste and aroma of fresh ground coffee beans. And when you buy coffee beans you can and will discover the single sourced coffees from around the world. Most coffee roasters don’t advertise their politics.

    Just as I treasure single malt whiskies from Scotland I love single source coffee.

    I buy from these people.

    Most coffee roasters don’t advertise their politics.

  7. “Given the leftist/globalist leanings of BRCC, and their disdain for their own customers, we can’t discount the possibility that the BRCC staff set up the company for the deliberate purpose of outing their customers. ”

    That thought crossed my mind too.

  8. Over the course of three deployment I have only seen two companies donate their coffee to the troops regularly, one was “Dunkin’ Donuts” and the other was “Chock-full of nuts”. If you want to support a patriotic coffee company I would recommend those two.
    In regards to veterans owned companies I have met many soldiers that were as anti-American as could be joined simply because at the time they could not find any other means of employment or wanted the GI bill. Such individuals would gladly capitalize on their “veteran status”.

  9. “Black Rifle Company site reported unsafe BEFORE they were given a chance to fix it.”

    What was he supposed to do, email them from and expect them to even read it, let alone pay any attention to it?

    Worst case, this very public smack in the face woke up a bunch of nimwit mooks to fix their leaky site. Best case, they shut down a loophole that’s been exploited by antifa and other unsavory types spoon-fed to them by CIA spook sellout types for the purpose of aiding and abetting their customer’s enemies.

    Seriously, explain to us what should have been done once they found the security flaws. Doubts about the nastiness of the lesson? How exactly was the message going to be heard if it wasn’t blasted out publicly?

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