Animal Mother for the win.
This is why Adam Baldwin is the best Baldwin, also that he’s not related to the other Baldwins helps too.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Animal Mother for the win.
This is why Adam Baldwin is the best Baldwin, also that he’s not related to the other Baldwins helps too.
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Curiously, Alec Baldwin’s dad was the shooting coach (or worked with the shooting team) at the local HS. Way back in the long long ago when schools actually had shooting teams. And, yes, this was in deep blue NY.
Apparently, none of his kids actually paid any attention to Dad when he talked about work.
Someone should tell @Modelcitizenne that what she’s really saying is that if the prop master is mistaken, she goes to the electric chair or to prison.
But Aesop assures me it’s all the prop-master/mistress’ fault. Because trained monkey actor person is too stupid to be trusted to do anything other than act.
If Weathervane Agitator Aesop told me the sun was going to rise in the morning, I would check for supernova indicators, while wondering who he wanted to act as his revolutionary proxy this time. Dude is a directionless loudmouth and a coward.
Granted, he’s right probably as often as he’s wrong, but that only because his revolutionary fervor makes sure to whole heartedly endorse every side, even if they’re diametrically opposite.
Even his hatred for cops is dependent on the wind, alternately advocating shooting jack boots or licking them, depending on whether he is in favor of or opposed to forced masks and fake vaccs today.
Why does anyone still give him any screen time any more?
It’s telling that she considers ejecting the magazine and checking the chamber to be “taking the thing apart”.
No surprise. It’s been obvious for a long time that anti-gun activists are, intentionally and rabidly, ignorant about guns and gun safety in particular. Once in a blue moon you may find an exception to that rule, but very rarely.
If “model citizenne” has to “take a gun apart” to inspect it, s/he is familiar with models of guns that I am not.
Or s/he it talking about chinesium “toy” guns.
Or is talking out of their ass.
I suspect number three, will entertain number two, highly doubt number one. Now if “Gun Jesus” were to so opine, I’d listen. This fartknocker, NSFM. (Not So Fenomenally Much)