Democrat Congressman from Missouri, Emanual Cleaver, was selected to open the 117th Congress with a prayer.

He closed his prayer with “Amen and a-woman.”

I was taught that “amen” was Hebrew for “truth” or “truly.”  An affirmation that was was said during the prayer was true.

Regardless, Emanuel Cleaver was awarded a Master of Divinity from St. Paul School of Theology and is an ordained minister.

He should know what Amen means and where it came from.

He decided to end the prayer with some extraneous and meaningless bullshit to Progressive, gender-inclusive, virtue signaling.

In the strictest sense, he is a charlatan and a blasphemer.  He wasn’t serious about his prayer.  He was serious in using his prayer to show off what sort of Progressive he is.

The only religion that Leftists believe in is Progressivism.  Everything else is a charade used to take advantage of others.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Blasphemous Democrat Preacher shows his actual religion is Progressivism”
    1. That’s the problem with trying to translate a 6,000 year old language to modern English.

      Emet is “truth” as in “the truth of the matter.”

      Amen is “truth” as in “what he said was true.” The way a rapper or athlete might say “Truth!”

      Noun vs aphorism doesn’t exactly translate perfectly.

  1. Yes, emet means truth. However, ah-meyn has the same three letter root in Hebrew as emunah (aleph mem nun), which means “faith.” That’s also a different root from emet (aleph mem tav). think the best take on the meaning of ah-meyn (which has been Angilcized to “amen”) is, “I have faith in what he just said.”

  2. If he mentioned God or Jesus at all during his prayer (Which is highly likely) then he most certainly took The Lord’s name in vein since this was clearly a political stunt.

  3. I was always taught that “Amen” meant “So it shall be.” A way of affirming that your prayer is now in God’s hands and He’ll make it happen (albeit on His time-frame and not necessarily yours).

    Either way, it’s a Hebrew word, and is not “gendered” in any way.

    Saying that “A-men and a-women” crap just shows that, at best, despite his credentials and education he doesn’t know what “Amen” means. At worst, he’s disregarded the word’s — not to mention his professed faith’s — meaning and origin in favor of Woke Progressivism.

  4. It seems he’s one of those fake clerics like Al Sharpton. Or maybe he’s just one of the many whose primary religion is marxism and whatever they claim to preach comes a distant second. He’d be in good company if so, between a large mob of South American catholic priests, a lot of US Jews, and several of the traditional “mainstream” US protestant (or pseudo-protestant, like the Episcopalians) denominations.

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