To hell with the American Rabbinate.

There isn’t an actual Jew who is a Non-Orthdox Rabbi.

They are all just fucking Leftists who keep kosher.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was famous and popular on the Left and Jewish, but what the Rabbinate did after her death is a fucking sacrilege.

No, she was not a prophet.  She was a Supreme Court Justice.

A fucking Leonard Cohen song?  Fuck that.  Particularly because that was the same song SNL played when Hillary lost.

The right thing to sing is the Mourners Kaddish, but nope, Hallelujah.

Lastly there was this grotesque blasphemy.

They changed one of her opinions from the Bima like it’s scripture.

No.  Fuck no.  Absolutely fucking not, no way in hell is this acceptable.

The Rabbinate has lost its fucking mind.

She was not a prophet.  She was not a holy woman.  Her writings are not scripture.

She was a Justice, appointed by a rapist, who helped write the majority opinion in Kelo v New London in which the Supreme Court said a city government  could force people out of their homes if a developer wanted to buy the land because it would raise the property values and tax base.

These fucking Rabbis are one glass of Manischewitz short of putting her name in the Amidah.

Fuck them all, those blasphemers.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Blasphemous Progressive Rabbis are destroying Judaism”
  1. Heard this on Prager’s show, yesterday afternoon. Yes, it’s disgusting. Even more so when preceded by the bracha thanking G-d for giving us prophets of truth and righteousness. And chanting in something resembling haftorah trop was just icing on the cake. We have not survived millennia of persecution for this. If our rabbi had pulled this kind of crap after I had just chanted the Akedah for the congregation, I’d have been quite vocal in my objections. But, fortunately, our conservative shul has not become totally dominated by moonbattery. (But we read the Akedah on the second day–reformed congregations (or is that “congregations in need of reform?”) tend to read it on the first.)

    L’shana tova tikateivu v’teichateimu.

  2. Ben Shapiro mentioned this abomination on his podcast AND he played some of it. It’s still difficult to believe.

  3. LOL, they are all “deeply saddened” and “broken over her death”, but only because it happened when Trump was in office (meanwhile their fellow leftist are cursing her name and spitting on her grave for daring to die under Trump). That’s why they are so upset. Oh, sure, they’d still SAY they were “deeply saddened” all all the other obligatory bullshit posturing. but because of this they actually ARE upset.
    And I take it that first woman is a REAL fan of Ginsberg, which is why she wears her hair exactly like RBG and has the exact same glasses. Her standing there next to the photo of RBG, you’d swear is was someone who put on a costume to play the part of RBG in a skit, or that htey were intentionally saying ‘look at me next to the picture, don’t I look just like her!” (and that’s scary, that anyone would want to look like Ginsberg! I guess if you’re already an ugly woman, you might as well strive to at least look like an ugly, POWERFUL woman).
    This isn’t a surprise though. Assuming the same phenomenon is happening in the Jewish church as is happening in the Christian church, they have no issue with blatant, casual blasphemy. It’s how they reconcile their desire for religion with the mandates of their Progressive Higher Faith. Otherwise they’d be attacked by other leftists for being Christian. Nothing more Progressive than a Progressive churchgoer, because they feel the need to prove themselves, to erase the stigma of being one of the hated relgious types.
    And funny they actually name MLK as a “prophet”. You mean the MLK who’s own views are now mocked as racist? Being colorblind is racist, imagining a world where people are judged on their character instead of the color of their skin is a “right wing white supremacist talking point”. But being the left, they will have no problem proclaiming him as one of their own Saints, while also tearing down or ignoring his actual beliefs.
    And then there are the leftists (and some right wingers) who are now attacking MLK for being a sexist and a womanizer, etc. But that’s only useful to them when right-wingers point out that MLK was in favor of a colorblind society, etc, and they need to discredit him quickly. Can’t call him racist, so they jump to the next best thing and make him sexist instead. And then the next day they get up and proclaim him as one of their very own canonical saints, a martyr of Progessivism. Never mind that he was a Christian and in many ways quite conservative (compared to modern leftists, which isn’t saying much…gay people who just want to be able to marry are scorned as “conservatives” and “traitors to the cause” by their more radical LGBTQ associates who want nothing more than the total dissolution of Western ideals like monogamy, marriage, sanctity of sex, exclusive guardianship of offspring and other Fascist, cis-supremacist institutions of that nature).

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