The Dumb is strong with these people.
Are we raising children so shielded from the real world that they cannot exists unless all stuff is tagged with warning labels?
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
The Dumb is strong with these people.
Are we raising children so shielded from the real world that they cannot exists unless all stuff is tagged with warning labels?
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Just a product of liberal schools…
I sometimes dabble in custom painting cars and bikes and things. I go to the PROFFESIONAL auto body supply to purchased paints reducers and activators..
They come with CHILDPROOF CAPS unless you tell them otherwise.. I havent seen too many toddlers working in a body shop….the dumbing down of America.
In the auto body supply companies defense, they have no idea where the individual will be using/storing their products. Harry homeowner could be a car guy looking for the best finish possible in his garage, and when he finishes with the products he purchases from your auto body supply shop he may just set them down on a shelf. And, guess what, his six year old, who does in fact know better, but wants to be just like dad…
There is a big difference between a kid trying to snazz up their bike with Rustoleum from Lowes, and the products they sell you. Without some breathing protections, proper ventilation, etc… someone under the age of 10 could die from exposure to fumes from some of the pro stuff.
On the other hand, I have used regular off the shelf paints and chemicals in less than ideal situations, and the worst I have gotten was a headache. It is all about concentration and exposure. HD and Lowes off the shelf products are dangerous, but not like the pro stuff.
Unless your supplier sell strictly to industry, I support what they are doing. It is a no/low cost method of preventing that accident. If that was my shop, I would probably use child proof caps even if it was not mandated by law.
Future darwin candidates
Some science here:
This shit is insane. In order to make the little pods so small they make the chemicals more concentrated. There are strong enzymes and detergents designed to break down oils and proteins (like from food stains).
The dishwasher pods are even worse. These contain strong bases that react with fats and oils to saponify them. The first two active ingredients are sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite.
I prefer the other Tide Pod challenge, put it in the washing machine and do laundry.
Fortunately my teenagers are smart enough to laugh at this stuff rather than emulate it.