The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, which is an apparent joint venture by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, doesn’t actually care about black lives.

It’s a radical Leftist, communist enclave operating freely in the city of Seattle.

Black people who do not adhere to this political ideology will quickly find out just how welcome they are in the CHAZ.

A black man decided he would carry an American flag through the CHAZ.  It did not end well for him:

From another angle:

To be black in the CHAZ has nothing to do with the color of your skin and everything to do with adherence to an anti-American, Leftist political ideology.

That’s how white people can justify attacking a black man while chanting “black lives matter.”

And why would an organization like #BLM put up with seeing white people push a black man around?

Because they are getting a cash money payday though a racial shakedown.

Black lives do not matter to these people, only radical Leftism.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “BLM in the CHAZ had nothing to do with black lives actually mattering”
  1. Does CHAZ have it’s own currency? Why would they accept capitalistic U. S. currency? If I have to pay Jizya for the sin of being born with a melanin deficiency, I want to pay it with a good socialist currency like a Venezuelan ten Bolivar note.

  2. “The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, which is an apparent joint venture by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, doesn’t actually care about black lives.”

    And this is my shocked face: 😐

  3. I remember being kicked out of the non-conformists club for not non-conforming to the same standards as the other non-conformists….

    Seriously though, these idiots will not tolerate the US flag flying in their “land” but I am sure they would fully support a foreign nations flag flying during a protest in DC.

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