Hey Bubba, eff you. You thought you were controlling them and you thought they were going to be thankful because you treated them nice and propagated their lies? You were nothing that an useful idiot for useful idiots.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “BLM shows it allies of the Press how much they appreciate them.”
  1. When they protested/ attacked Minneapolis Police Lt. Kroll’s house in Ham Lake, they brought a pinata of his wife Liz Collin too. She is a newscast anchor on WCCO TV 4 in Minneapolis.

    See how Professional Journalist Organizations leap to their defense? BLM and Antifa have effectively cowed them already. Classic Both Sides are to Blame response by the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists. Cowed by BLM. Just like their Brown Shirted predecessors did it in Germany did 85 years ago!


    Will the human potato Brian Stelter at CNN deign to support fellow journalists that are actually being attacked? I wonder if anyone at WCCO will support their own news anchor? After all she is guilty of wrong think by marrying a police officer.

  2. You don’t understand what your job is now that you’re under socialist control…The job now is to portray blm/antifa in a good light, to kiss their feet, to praise them and if you don’t you’ll get a beat down until you toe the partei line….Welcome to the socialist nirvana.

  3. Journalism died years ago, to the extend it ever really existed at all. Trump was right when he said the news media was the enemy of the American people. I couldn’t care less if some liberal ANTIFA sock puppet (journalist) gets molested by the demon they helped nourish. Maybe stick to something safer, like blaming Trump for the Democrats’ COVID body count.

    1. To be accurate, Trump said that about “fake news”, he did not say it about all media outlets, in spite of claims from the fake news that he did.
      Many well known outlets are clearly part of fake news, wholly owned subsidiaries of the far left. I refer to NY Pravda or Pravda on the Potomac for that reason. But the WSJ is still a tolerable approximation of neutral in its news department, and its opinion department is very well separated. The publisher just posted a long letter reaffirming that policy.

  4. So now a white “Skin Head” is part of the BLM/antifa movement? Curiouser and curiouser.

  5. Oh, you obliterate my ability to see outside my car? I’m going to have to go by the assumption that everything outside is a threat, then, and act accordingly. If things outside are not a threat, why would you hide them?

  6. Funny thing is they slap on some duck tape with ‘press’ scrawled on it and think they should be immune from any action by the popo, but real press gets shut down. Good.

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