And did not go well. They were confronted by angry residents who apparently do not consume the same kombucha as those in Portland. In fact, it got hairy enough that the #BLM/#FuckThePolice/#DefundThe Police mob suddenly needed the cops to open unblock the road. blocked by the neighbors, so they could retreat leave.

How sweet the irony.

They threatened about coming back tonight and they are stupid enough to do it.

Hat Tip RobertE.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “BLM went to the suburbs.”
  1. I need to cook up a filk of ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ called ‘Welcome to the Suburbs’ now 🙂

    1. OK, so the rioters went to Springfield, WA, specifically to a conservative working-class neighborhood. They attacked a police barricade at one point; later while they were marching through a residential neighborhood, the residents came out to, um, “voice their displeasure”. The Antifa goons alternatively begged to be allowed to leave and promised they’d be back with a bigger crowd tonight.

      This is what Barr meant when he said the riots would “metastasize”.

  2. The Burn Loot Murder commies who took over show once again they have no spine. Same as the pantifa commies. Shocker.

    Word to the wise: don’t want none don’t start none

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