Well we’ve made it a full week on the new server with the new versions of software and things haven’t totally failed yet.

The site seems to be responsive and we haven’t had any great issues yet:

For those of you that want to send in tips and links for J.Kb, Miguel and AWA to consider, hit us up at gunfreezone (at) troglodite.com

We should be starting the roll out of some changes for the comment section shortly. These will be a link next to the reply links to allow people to login or signup. We will also be putting a mark for our comment snipers. It won’t do anything right away but it is the first step.

We had a member request that we use “usernames” instead of signup names. We are going to take a look at the membership roll and see what can be done.

Next Friday we are going to roll out a Friday Feedback post that will have open comments, no membership required, for everybody to be able to give us feedback.

Thank you again to everybody that has signed up to be a member, your support is greatly appreciated.

If you want to support gunfreezone please consider becoming a member by Registering

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By awa