We have rolled out the new look, sort of. The actual look of the site should stay the same but there are some changes done to support membership.

On comment pages, just above the comment box you will see a “Login or Register”. If you are already a member and logged in, you should not see this message. Once memberships go live the comment block and the Reply buttons will only be seen by members with the “Login or Register” option at the bottom.

For members at the .300 Blackout level you should see a red crosshair above the Reply buttons. It doesn’t do anything yet but it is there. We’re working towards making it functional.

For people signing up, there is a new field “Nickname” This is the default to be shown when you comment on a post.

If you decide to change your displayed name or nickname at some point in the future, all of your posts will be updated to your new display name.

Note, after changing your nickname it might take a little while for you to be able to change your display name to your new nickname. Again, something we are working on.

You can change your display name in “Edit Your Profile” page under the “Register” menu.

We’ve had a couple of requests for ways to pay for memberships outside of credit cards. Absolutely this is possible. Reach out to use a awa(at)troglodite.com or gunfreezone(at)troglodite.com and we’ll get something worked out.

If there are other payment methods you would like us to consider please let us know below in the comments and we will look into them.

In the meantime take a look at The Essential Guide to Anonymous Payment Methods in 2021 for different methods of making anonymous payments using other methods.

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By awa