That was said several years ago, I think at the peak of MySpace or the raise of Facebook, I don’t recall.

It did not age well at all.

I am not going to say my blog is den of absolute freedom. We have certain simple rules (Don’t be a dick, no porn, not gun bunnies, some language restriction, etc.) but mostly aimed to feel people comfortable to come in,  read and comment.  You have an opposite political view you want to share in the comments? Fine, do so. But again, within the scant rules or you will have to be properly take care off which means we will make fun of you for a while and then dispatch you to the Spam Authority and we will leave your comments up for future reference, just the opposite of Facebook and the rest.

That is all. time to go have fun.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Blogging is dead – Social Media is the future.”
  1. Funny, I never read blogs back when they were all the rage, but they do give an excellent semi-private forum without all the BS and censorship the major social media comes with. Unless they use some form of comment hosting, which often have their own censorship policies. I prefer the style you offer.
    I used to use a site that offered comments hosted by Disqus. I carefully kept all my comments to the academic, and avoided any form of actual racism (as opposed to modern leftist definition of “racism”), tried to be polite and limit myself to stating my considered opinions along with arguments in favor of it. I was respectful and never went beyond mild occasional profanity. I went back through my comments later looking for one in particular, and I find that one out of ten of my comments, especially any one that hinted at anything negative about “black” culture in general was deleted and removed. It pissed me off. We’re apparently not even allowed to rational debate even the IDEA that there might be alternative explanations for the situation that blacks in the US face. When I was younger I was taught that racism was believing that the races are separate and physically different, and that there was some genetic flaw in blacks that made them inferior to “white” people (or whatever combination you like). Now it is extended to cover any sort of negative expression about the CULTURE we identify as “black”, even if you expressly state that you reject that notion that blacks are somehow inherently inferior. If we can’t even debate the subject, then there is no longer any freedom of speech

  2. Everyone needs to get rid of “facebook” and the other fascist websites. Only idiots try and “plan” on open forums. But that is what passes for “intelligence” for fascist/socialists. The “anarchists” that “planned” to start a “civil war” with 13 people tried it. The results are laugh worthy. It’s good to monitor those places and twitter to find out what may happen. But stay the hell off them otherwise.

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