Some asshole enterprise soul has been reporting blogs to Blogspot as if they had malicious content, to wit malaware. Among the temporary casualties were Lawdog, Feral Irishman, Erin Palette’s, Stilton’s Place, Diogenes Sarcastica, Elm Tree Forge and Borepatch.

Shout if you got warnings in your blog or while visiting a blog.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Blogspot Bloggers being maliciously targeted.”
  1. Yesterday afternoon, I had a post deleted (by an unknown entity) and a phishing warning attached with 1 MINUTE of publishing a post about an upcoming gun control movie and the incident that inspired it. It was at my blog “75 Million Pissed Off Patriots”

    The speed at which this happened tells me it HAS TO BE the Google nazis, not an outsider making a complaint. I heard from several others in the comment section of my “WTF??” post; Big Country Ex-Pat and Knuckledraggin’ were two I recall

    1. While I won’t say it’s impossible, keep in mind that botscripts and whatnot are easily available to build. Doesn’t necessarily have to be Gulagle. There was some jackwagon trying to wipe several conservative authors off Wikipedia a while back for ‘lack of notability’.

      That being said, doesn’t mean it WASN’T Gulagle.

  2. Late last night I was getting warnings at several of my regular stops. I don’t remember the names.
    Alcohol may have been involved.

  3. This is Google’s tortious interference with conservative blogs. See the details on Don Surbur’s news brief today.

  4. Hey, Carteacho is back!

    A bunch of conspiracy/”alt-epistemology” Blogspot blogs I look at were likewise flagged as dangerous. So, it ain’t just internet gunnies. All seem accessible today.

  5. If they are targeting Erin, that means we can accuse them of transphobia. That might help.

  6. I got hit last night. A bit after 8PM I was editing my post and went to search for something on my blog. It immediately returned a bright red “GET ME OUT OF HERE” page with warnings about it being reported as a phishing site.

    After filling out the protest pages I went searching and everyone I checked with a blogspot page had the same red GMTFOOH page. I specifically remember checking you, Area Ocho, McThag and 90 miles. McThag and 90 miles were on blogger and down; you and Area Ocho weren’t and you were both unaffected.

    This was all on Firefox, so I went to check my page on Chrome and it worked normally. When I went back to Firefox, it started working again. It seems like Google did something stupid with the blogspot domain and everyone went down at once. I always say Blogger is run by two interns in a basement somewhere. That’s what it seemed like.

  7. If you’re hosted at Blogspot or WordPress or other that you don’t control, move your blog to an offshore host that ignores US Government subpoenas and other complaints. I use WordPress on my blog, but not hosted by them. Also a good idea to use Protonmail or other secure mail and a VPN. I also use the Brave browser and DuckDuckGo for search. Brave has the additional feature of providing TOR for private browsing (desktop version only, for now). Finally, use a pseudonym and try not to connect your online presence with your IRL self. Pay with cybercurrency if possible.

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