US mayors have announced that they will work on their own to meet the agreements of the Paris Climate Accord.In defiance of President Donald Trump’s announcement that he had withdrawn the US from the 2015 pact, more than 1,400 mayors of American cities with populations of 30,000 or more have formed the US Conference of Mayors and agreed to meet environmental goals. Also rallying against the president is former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is forming a bipartisan coalition of states, cities and business leaders to meet the climate pact’s targets even as the president rescinds the nation’s commitment to it.

Source: Bloomberg and US mayors form climate coalition | Daily Mail Online

So first Bloomberg gives us Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) so now I am guessing he will bring us Mayors Against Illegal Greenhouse gases? (MAIGG).

And the 1,400 mayors? Not so impressive if you realize that there are over 19,000 counties in the US. The so newly “formed” United States Conference of Mayors was actually founded back in tomes of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to back his New Deal politics and suck from the Federal Money Tit. And the Mayors can go outside the federal dole to pay for the feel-good-do-nothing programs by raising local taxes, but that usually ends up bad when re-election time comes.  And sometimes, citizens do not wait for re-elections.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Bloomberg and US mayors form climate coalition. (Yawn)”
  1. So, by trying to show some sort of moral superiority, Bloomberg accidentally uses the free market to fund something that the rest of us don’t want to pay for through central planning.

    Now go forth with this knowledge and piss off a statist.

  2. *Note: I’m referring to the money Bloomberg is giving to the U.N. from his foundation.

  3. Bet they won’t be ponying up any of the billions that the U.S. was supposed to pay according to that treaty. All talk and no action.

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