Tomorrow at very dark thirty in the morning, I will begin my pilgrimage to one of the holiest sites in Shootingdom to study under the High Priest of Blasting.

I bring with me two guns, ten mags, three days worth of redundant gear, and I have two thousand rounds waiting for me at my destination.


Like many a pilgrim on a holy journey, I will pass through strange and dangerous lands.

Next stop, Portland, Oregon.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Bon Voyage”
  1. Good luck and Godspeed. I look to make it out to those hallowed grounds before Clint hangs it up as well.

    He, Steve Fisher, Darryl Bolke, Chuck Haggard, and Rob Haught are all on my short list of ballistic gods to gain ballistic knowledge from before they retire.

  2. Looking forward to some GFZ content when you get back. Better present Clint with an honorary ‘shoot him in the dick’ patch.

    1. Ya can’t help it, a guys gotta land somewhere, and honestly Eugene ain’t much better. Best can do is hightail it south and east. Keep driving for about three hours, and you’re in safe territory again.

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