A dispute over trash in an alley. Both sides with an enormous need to satisfy their Egos rather than use common sense and vacate the area. Now one is dead and the other two are on their way to a very long prison term

If your ego is that delicate, it is time you start developing a thick skin and double your brain power to avoid making idiotic decision.
Apparently all three together lacked enough neurons to constitute a single brain.
I won’t be surprised to see them acquitted or not even tried. But it will cost them a lot of money that they could have spent on more pleasurable activities. We don’t know a number of things about this incident, so we can’t know if it rises to the level of a crime. Even so, I’d have been moving away so that if I had to shot the guy I’d have clearly been trying to disengage. But we don’t know what specifically kept them from disengaging. It may turn out that they had a good reason to stand their ground. Either way, it’s likely that they had no duty to retreat from this confrontation. It’ll be interesting, that’s for sure.
What the F did I just watch?
Who threatens to kill two guys carrying guns?
Who brings a shotgun out for a mattress in a dumpster?
If your kids are in the car, who doesn’t walk away?
This was horrible and stupid beyond measure.
No one won that day. No one DESERVED to win that day, including whoever was recording the whole sorry incident. If she hadn’t decided making YouTube’s Top Ten was more important than deescalating a potential gunfight, her man might still be alive.
I gather some children were on the scene, I can spare some pity for them. But for the rest? To Hell with them.
2:04 “You’re not gonna shoot my husband!”
Fat Guy, “Hold my beer.”
Apparently.the man in the orange shirt had mental problems and had been arrested in the past, including an incident where the threatened to kill the mailman for being on his property. Read the last thing he posted to Facebook.
Divemedic, I’m just gonna post this here in case the original Facebook post gets taken down. Thanks for pointing it out.
From Aaron Howard’s Facebook page, link provided by Divemedic above:
Aaron Howard
August 28 at 6:45 PM ·
So this afternoon Right as I wake up and before My medications I am checking On house Walk into the kids Room And see a Person In front Of the kids window..So me I go outside find out its the mailman and tell Him for the last time stay away from the kids windows We have asked you multiple times not to walk between cars an windows because You might get shot …….Being as How we have 2 girls that are children not to mention a little boy ..I believe its in my right to Protect these children from Perverts an Pieces of shit in this world. I also live down the street from a place where thefts murders an assaults have happened in the past. He told me because I wouldnt let him walk that way that he would not deliver the mail and would just send it back I tried calling the usps before walking down to make sure to get him On recording refusing to give me my mail he refused to say anything. so I called him a Bitch an a coward for not repeating what he said and I went Home….15 min later My home was swarmed with Police banging on my door Scaring Emegail so I had Kara leave with Emegail because my medications had not kicked in and I was getting overly anxious with the police.Tried calling Grandma only to realize well shes out of town. I asked if they had warrants they said they didnt need one as they continued to bang on my door profusely an hide away from my sight which I called them on multiple times. I told them I have a mental issue they needed to leave I did not want to talk to them and they insisted on causing me emotional and mental strain along with the physical strain of my heart not being able to slow down over an over.I told them you can call my caseworker I have the files verified of my disorder all you have to do is leave my property because you do not have a warrant I walked thru them and left MY OWN HOME because I did not feel Safe. I left long enough to allow my meds to kick in and calm me down before coming back discovering they were still there SO I showed them the video of exactly what I said when I walked down the street to him.. They are now reporting that I made a terroristic threat when I told the mailman to stay away from the girls windows because he might get shot..I also have had Adult Protective Services called stating that I am not in my right mind 3 hours after all transpired I told them I am fine and asked why they were calling they said because Abilene Police Department called saying I was a danger to myself.. Not anyone else to myself.. I am so sick of the harassment everytime APD shows up to my door …I DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER MY DOOR I DO NOT HAVE TO TALK TO YOU IF YOU DONT HAVE A WARRANT GET THE FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY …..then louder then louder then louder till I HAVE no hold back. They stand there laughing as I have a breakdown they refuse to leave stating they dont have to have a warrant..I need a Lawyer I have the videos Im tired so tired of them not allowing me to calm down…I told them I would talk to a detective after the report was made…and still they woiuld not leave…I am tired of losing my mind to stressful situations So I went and got medicine for it only for APD not to allow me to stop an take to walk away from situations they refuse everytimeI got arrested a year or so going thru withdrawals from my meds telling the officer I needed them only for him to refuse an charge me with a disorederly conduct which I cannot control without my meds.. I admit it I take my meds I do whats right only to have APD numerous times keep me in mental Strain..
[…] Post Both sides played stupid games, both sides won stupid prizes really bothered […]