I think Lousiana is headed for a race war.

From the Washington Examiner:

Powder keg: 61% say United States ‘on verge of civil war,’ 52% already preparing

In the survey, 61% said that the United States is nearing a second civil war, including a shocking 41% who “strongly agree” with that assessment.

Predictably, it’s the political extremes who are most ready for war, with 52% of very liberal, 52% of very conservative, 32% of somewhat liberal, 34% of moderate, and 35% of somewhat conservative respondents saying they believe the statement “I’m concerned that the U.S. could be on the verge of another civil war.”

I don’t doubt that.

This happened over the weekend in Lafayette, Louisana.



That’s not good.

Yes, I know.  Everyone in the country who is not a felon is entitled to their Second Amendment rights.

But can we parse out the difference between people who want to be left alone and radical Leftist racial identitarian ethno-nationalists?

When an armed militia that wants to secede and create an autonomous zone of racial purity, that’s a bad idea.

We’re headed straight into early 90’s Rwanda.  This is going to get very bad.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Boy howdy it’s going to get ugly in Louisiana”
  1. The good thing is that these guys seem to be a minority in the larger leftist arc.

    The bad news is that they’re playing some of our cards and playing them smart. Armed, peaceful protests — just like in Virginia. We can’t bitch about them easily.

    I still think we should try to subvert them away from the plantation, rather than break them.

  2. Wonder how much of this is LARPing. Looked like he was speaking to his own crowd, there didn’t seem to be a lot of interest there. Looks like they were marching downtown in a well contained area. Didn’t look like a lot of indigenous population (IPs) attending.

    Everyone with two nickels to rub together moved south, across the Vermilion to the river ranch area after the influx of new IPs downtown due to Katrina. I can honestly say that my last ten trips there I never went downtown. Didn’t even drive through it.

    Most I know that live there are like the cop you can see in one of the videos – Fit, Big, they hunt and shoot all year. Starting something like that would be a very, very bad idea.

    1. Re: Larping, my understanding is when this “NFAC” met up in Georgia a while back, trained eyes were apparently able to see that a portion of the rifles were actually airsoft. Doesn’t mean that it will always be that way, of course.

  3. Prepping?? Though it never stops, if you’re not using the past tense, you’re late to the game. Revolutions have never been kind to my family tree and its time to stop the rhyming.

  4. Those NFAC clowns had another ND on Saturday. The idiot responsible was also a felon in possession.

  5. NFAC is a joke. Just had another ND at the last gathering. Stand back (way back) and watch them fuck themselves up.

  6. Mike: while I am encouraged by that sort of thinking, myself, do not forget how many Coalition servicemembers have been injured and killed by folks who appear unable, by and large, to grok the concept “sight picture”

    Enough projectiles flying your way, and you may meet the one addressed “To Whom It May Concern”.

  7. Huh, that’s weird. I thought black people in the US were shot down on sight, and that the government would never tolerate an armed black person. I guess they were just too scared of these guys, and figured that if they sent in the National Guard they would be defeated and embarrased by a bunch of black guys, no doubt.
    What this is is direct provocation. These guys WANT a race war, or at least to help the movement to make the right wing the Bad Guys. They hope someone starts shooting at them. Not because they actually want to fight and think they can win, but because that’s how you play the victim the most effectively. If an equally armed white militia arrived, you can bet your top dollar that THEN the authorities would interfere, and the right wing guys would be bashed for “provocation” and “trying to incite violence”, just for being there.
    Probably racist, but I wonder how many of those guys can LEGALLY own guns. I bet a third or more of them are actually felons in possession. Maybe that explains the airsoft, as long as they are just posturing and not actually shooting anyone yet.

    And funny how a left wing lawyer can carry around an AR “for self defense”, and that’s okay, but any right wing person who does that is being violent and provoking trouble. Kyle Ritterhouse was also carrying an AR for self defense….only difference is that he actually had to USE his.

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