You guys know I love to quote from the movie Absence of Malice and specifically this part which is the end of the film.

And the Brady Campaign is accurate but far from the truth they owe to the public. Kids dying of heart attack? If they have a congenital condition, of course there is a chance they will die, but that is going to be an almost statistically low number compared with the adults that have been chomping MacDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken with gallons of coffee as chasers for decades as they build a glorious case of arteriosclerosis. And as much as I have observed, I have not seen kids in pre-school or elementary puffing a two-pack a day count of cigarettes like adults do or working removing the debris around the Fukijama nuclear facility or carrying buckets of dioxin to a chemical recycling facility.

And if you try the link provided in the tweet, instead of taking you to the “study” it goes straight to (drum roll) a donations page.

Allow me to do something similar in the hope I can open you hearts and wallets and you make a donation to this blog.

“New studies report that you have a greater chance of dying from a gun-related incident than from a Space Station accident. Please give me money.”


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Brady being disingenuous. They mix apples with oranges to get a crankcase.”
  1. I wonder if this study also found that the elderly are more likely to fall at home versus the local skate park.

  2. Hey, I was at serious risk when Skylab crashed to Earth.

    Seriously, how many “children” are dead because they were gang members in the illegal drug trade?

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