Or some shit like that…

Regardless of whether casualties are caused by knives, guns or bombs, Americans have had enough. We can no longer be a nation that makes it easy for terrorists, criminals and other dangerous people to get their hands on the deadly tools that enable mass murder.

via Email – Enough is enough – Brady Center.

Good news, apparently they now believe that other forms of violence against people are bad and they may give a care eventually.

Irrelevancy must hurt.

Hat tip Jason K. via Facebook.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Brady Campaign supports Background checks for Pressure Cooker sales.”
  1. How long until they realize that we would have to ban so many things to keep bombs, guns, and knives, from every being made again that we would literally resort back to a super primitive civilization where 90% of people die before age 40 and 100% die before 45?

    I like my Air Conditioner and heating in winter… I don’t wanna have them banned because the Brady bunch are scaredy cats.

    1. In the right hands, with the proper mind, any item can be used as a weapon to harm people. Everything can get you killed, including sitting in a recliner in your living room.

      I’d like to apply The Incredibles philosophy to that. If everything’s dangerous, nothing is.

    1. I know it looks like Black powder, but black powder “explodes” by releasing lots of thick gasses. I can see enough of it rupturing a pressure cooker but the second there is even a crack big enough for the gasses to escape wouldn’t it just burn itself out?

      I really think this was something else other than black powder, something that releases a lot of energy at once and leaves a lot of smoke, like TATP. Maybe a mix of TATP + Black Powder, but I really doubt the Black Powder would have helped any in the explosion beyond the panic causing smoke it produces.

  2. We make it easy for terrorists and criminals? By what means? Is Brady bunch demanding that Americans no longer gather in large crowds so as to be an easy target, or walk the streets so muggers and rapists can find no one to attack? Maybe Brady can ban chemistry that way no one will be able to mix the explosives and as a bonus no more meth labs. Brady should hire someone that has cognitive thoughts to review their press releases, the one’s that nobody reads anymore.

  3. David I agree the pics do not look like black powder, to much flame for a long period of time. It was a low end explosive not military grade anyway.

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