So all Gun Crime in NZ is gone or almost gone, right?
Today marks the second anniversary of the Christchurch terror attacks, in which military style semi-automatic weapons, purchased legally, were used to gun down 51 innocent worshippers.
That sparked tougher gun laws and the much debated firearms buy-back.
But in 2020, gun crime hit a new peak.
Police figures show 2399 people were charged with 4542 firearm-related offences, nearly double that of a decade earlier.
Rise in gun crime despite government clampdown after terror attack
If they have about a quarter of an ounce of shame and honesty, they would not dare to ignore New Zealand firearms-related increase crime rate, nor celebrate the almost dictatorial powers that the Kiwis give to their Prime Minister. But Brady is so desperate for a win, they are willing to sacrifice anything to achieve it: Honor, Truth and our lives.
“But Brady is so desperate for a win, they are willing to sacrifice anything to achieve it: Honor, Truth and our lives.”
“But, that is a sacrifice that we at The Brady Center For Disarmed Kulaks, are willing for you all to make!”
My view is that they are celebrating this as a success because it IS a success by their actual goals. Their actual goals being to ensure that honest people are disarmed and criminals remain armed.
Clearly NZ has achieved that, as Australia and the UK did earlier.