According to this article, the Friends of the NRA dinner in Brooklyn were forced to change venues twice after the Liberal and Open Minded people of the borough harassed the owners of those locales. In the best tradition of Tammany Hall and the Sullivan law, NRA members are now official members of historical prosecuted minorities in NY alongside Negroes, Jews and Mexicans.

But that is not all, Councilman Justin Brannan gloated and celebrated the mob action.

Is it me or he just looks like he has his white robe and a cross ready to be burned inside his residence?

Of course, the idea that declaring armed people your enemies and force them to go underground and untraceable may not be the wisest course of action and this dumb ass has not realized it.

Hat Tip Col Bloodnock

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Brooklyn NRA Members face Mob Mentality. Elected official gloats.”
  1. They don’t realize how dangerous they are playing this game and the outcome for them is not going to be pretty.

  2. Pure, utter scum are the NYC liberals and elected “officials”. Easily some of the worst people in America.

  3. Why not sue him, since he has openly stated that he is conspiring to prevent the members of the NRA from exercising their right to peaceably assemble.

    1. I will happily kick in $20 or more for the cause. Sue him as his person, not as his official capacity.

      We need to commit more lawfare, it is less bloody than warfare

  4. In case anyone wants to call this hypocrite out directly;

    These scum lord their “power” over their fellow citizens as if they’re our annointed rulers all while enjoying free, nearly 24/7, protection from police and other armed State employees. And they always carve out exceptions to the gun laws for their buddies in the judicial system and Law Enforcment.

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