By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Broward County Issues “Shelter In Place” Emergency Order.”
  1. “Gun Stores are exempted from the “shelter in place” order.”

    Very eeenteresting Mister Bond.

    That’s surprising considering how much of a grip the DemonKKKrats have in Coward/D’UH counties.

  2. I’d be surprised if there’s anything left to actually buy. Ducey said gun stores are “essential“. He’s a wet rag when it comes to gun rights. he supports red flag but he’s been smacked on it three tumes already. It’s going to be a few months before things return to normal. I put $400 aside for when I find a case of 5.55. As long as it’s under $400 I’m going for it. Maybe two or three months before I see it. Luckily I did buy some extra magazines. Then two days later they sold out. One of my local stores are still selling P mag but they are asking $28 a pop for a standard Gen2. Fuck them

    1. “…they are asking $28 a pop for a standard Gen2.”

      That’s not that bad, compared to what CTD did in 2012. ($100+ used USGI magazines)

      I’m assuming that they still have some, so the “supply and demand” price increase is working to keep a few available for those who didn’t prepare.

      1. I understand increasing prices to discourage people from buying all of them. They could’ve just put a limit on how many you can buy.

        When I saw those used USGI mags for over $100 at cheaper than dirt I swore off them forever.

  3. In NH, the Governor just announced a “stay at home order”, adding that “he doesn’t have the authority to order “shelter in place”. That prompted us to look for the difference. There doesn’t seem to be a meaningful difference (which makes me wonder whether the NH governor can legally order “stay at home”).
    Andrew Cuomo, of all people, said he doesn’t care for the “shelter at home” term because it is frightening. I believe that this is precisely why various left wing politicians have chosen to use that term. It’s a familiar term in the context of terrorists attacks, where it means to lock up and hide — so their lust for power and self-importance is boosted by picking that terminology for the current situation.

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