While the state of New York decided to give the Supreme Court the finger and congress and the president did the same, there does appear to be some good news coming out of Hawaii.

This week, S[Hawaii’s Attorney General Holly] Shikada sent out updated guidelines that said police chiefs should not restrict concealed and open carry licenses only to those who can show that their lives are in danger.

However, at the same time, Shikada made it clear that permits also shouldn’t be issued to just anyone who asks. For example, police chiefs may decide against issuing a license to someone considered dangerous to the public.

The governor also acknowledged Bruen.

I’m very troubled by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision and asked the Attorney General for a formal opinion on how the Court’s decision will impact the State of Hawaii. It’s important for people to know that both concealed and open carry gun licenses are not automatically granted. … Public safety is important to us here in Hawaii, and we will continue to enforce our firearms laws, consistent with federal constitutional requirements, to help keep our community safe.

As J.Kb reported regarding Maryland, may issue states are being flooded with permit applications. Things are happening.

NYS will stop issuing CCW entirely on the first of September. They have given guidance that says any applications in progress need to be updated to the new requirements. In September the training requirement goes into effect. The draft of the training requirements won’t be available until 2023 (April?) at which point it goes through a revision process. All of which is bad.

Attorney general issues new guidance for state to ease gun permit laws in wake of SCOTUS ruling

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By awa

One thought on “Bruen: Hawaii”
  1. New York is already facing multiple lawsuits, attacking the new permitting law and other gun control laws from a variety of angles. The pushback has been pretty heavy. Many of the democrats who voted this law into effect are too stupid to realize that it likely won’t hold up. I suspect there’s a few, though, who figure the new law won’t last but are interested in finding out what parts may actually stick. It will be dicey for a bit but between Sheriffs refusing to enforce many of the laws, DA’s flat out saying parts of it are unenforceable, I suspect that outside of the shithole NYC, most everyone will just ignore it. And for the people stymied by this who are attempting to get their permit, all the democrats are doing are creating more people to vote against them. The proles can smell freedom cooking and are anxious for a taste. They won’t respond warmly to NYC liberals who won’t let them have any.

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