Atlanta is another city in which the local politicians have seriously undermined the morale of the police department.
As a result of this and other shitty policies, crime in Atlanta is skyrocketing.
One of the wealthiest communities in Atlanta has decided that it is tired of this and wants to take its taxes an form their own community with their own, much more responsive police department.
Residents in a wealthy Atlanta community are trying to create their own police force as part of a push for secession as the city is rocked by a crime wave with murders up 80 percent so far this year.
The Buckhead Exploratory Committee, made up of residents of the city’s richest neighborhood of Buckhead, are looking to break away from the city in the wake of a surge in violent crime that has left people ‘genuinely concerned for their safety.’
In recent months, home surveillance footage captured the moment a man sprinted to reach the safety of his home as a car pulled up with a man brandishing a rifle.
The Buckhead Exploratory Committee told The Wall Street Journal residents want to create their own police force because they no longer feel protected while going about their day-to-day lives.
‘Our residents are genuinely concerned for their safety and the safety of their family members,’ they said.
‘Residents must be wary and ‘on guard’ continuously, even when doing routine tasks like going to the gas station, nearby shopping mall, shopping at the grocery store or just pulling into their driveways, mindful if anyone is lurking in the bushes.’
They shouldn’t have to pay taxes to a system that doesn’t help them because a bunch of elected Leftist activists adopted ACAB as city policy.
Of course, the city government will call the residents of Buckhead racist and play to that angle. The community of Buckhead will have to hold fast and show how the Atlanta PD has abandoned them and made them the target of criminals who want to rob rich people.
I hope they pull it off and set up their own community with a police department that actually brings down crime and leaves the Atlanta government with a big budget shortfall.
I expect more of this to happen in Blue cities across America.
I live here, not in Buckhead but I sympathize. Nevertheless, it ain’t going to happen.
Suck it up. You sold out this country by voting for the communist democrats and letting them steal the election. Now live the dream..
While nominally I agree, I would want to see the numbers.
Because, you know, that last election was TOTALLY legit, amirite?
Does anyone think Buckhead residents didn’t vote for the very politicians that are screwing them over?
Seriously, I live in the cheapest house in a nicer section of town. Not kidding, there are more $1M+ dollar houses in my neighborhood than there are $500K ones. To say there is a lot of money in influence in my neighborhood is not wrong.
Yet, I see lots of signs for the socio/commie/leftists every election. Not kidding, the people who would suffer the most, are actually voting in the politicians that will inflict that suffering.
Do you think Buckhead is any different? If they split away from Atlanta, they will just institute a government that will screw them over just as bad.
When rich people want to form their own city because they aren’t getting the services the pay for it’s SECESSION. When antifa/blm takes over a neighborhood and declare themselves independent it’s “The summer of love.”
Buckhead might pull this off, but I don’t think they’re gonna learn anything from it.
Classic privilege disconnect. People advocate for various laws & policies without understanding that those same laws will actually have an effect on them.
“Defund the police” was, in their mind, only supposed to be in Those Neighborhoods, not the seats of the Inner Party Nomenklatura!