From Fox News:

San Jose police fire rubber bullets at own racial bias trainer during protest, maiming his testicle


A black community activist who trained San Jose police recruits on implicit bias for three years was shot in a testicle by a rubber bullet during a recent protest, prompting the city’s mayor to say that more needs to be done to confront police brutality — but that defunding police will only undermine those efforts.

If the San Jose police racial bias training is anything like any of the racial bias training I’ve had in the past, I’m sure the cops meant to do that.

Video captured by KABC-TV’s news helicopter overhead purportedly showed the moments an officer fired a riot gun at Sanderlin, who had approached with his hands up.

“I really just couldn’t watch it anymore,” Sanderlin said. “And just kind of made like a parallel walkover, put my hands up, and just stood in the line of the fire and asked them to please not do this.”

Smart, real smart.  Put yourself in harm’s way between the cops and the protesters and see what happens.

In response to the incident, Garcia called Sanderlin personally and issued a statement, saying: “Derrick has been a real leader in our communities’ efforts to reduce bias and discrimination through dialogue. I assured him we will be investigating this incident.”

That will be easy, look for the cop who doesn’t ever have to buy a drink when he’s out with his fellow officers, he’s the one who tagged the bean bag with a bean bag.

Study after study has shown that racial bias training is pointless bullshit.  At best, it does nothing.  More frequently, it causes a backlash.

I’m sure some officer saw Sanderlin and decided that was the perfect opportunity to repay him for his hours of tortuous bias training.

All I can say is…


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “BULLSEYE!!!”
  1. Apparently the “Racial Bias Trainer” failed to learn the lesson taught to every boy learning boxing, baseball or other sports, i.e. a protective cup is your friend where “The Boys” may suffer an impact.

  2. I hope this was an accidental shot.

    Otherwise, this would be as wrong as French police snipers shooting the eyes out of yellow vest protesters.

    If the latter was the case, and the shot was intentional, I hope the thug will be properly punished for breaking the rules of engagement.

    1. SOP with rubber bullets is to aim for the legs so you don’t hit people in the eyes. That puts the boys in the cross fire. If you go to a protest, wear a cup.

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