I will repeat a meme posted yesterday:


I am wondering what kind of business gun shops are doing today.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Burning Books. Burning Churches. You know what comes next.”
  1. Ooh, ooh, I know … MORE witches!

    Seriously … this is bad. It doesn’t seem to be damping down, either.

  2. I do not know about gun stores, but safety classes, prerequisite for gun license application in my state, are 25% up in price and are filling up in front of my eyes (on line booking). I dallied for half an hour and the date my spouse wanted got filled. Also, you have to pay in advance now, not after the class as previously.

    By the way: does anybody know what is going on with Florida licenses? Can one apply now or are they closed?

    1. I sure am glad to be living in a Constitutional Carry state (NH). Even before CC was passed, NH didn’t require any licenses or other BS paperwork for buying guns — the Federal paperwork is all you need. Best of all, state law very explicitly and plainly forbids towns from messing with the (lack of) requirements.

  3. I actually know very well what happens after burning books and churches. They rout the whole village into the biggest barn and set it on fire, shooting everyone who tries to escape. When partisans return, they find only smoldering coals. After the war, a stone is put where the barn was before, and one can read one’s family name with dates of birth and death of infants and octogenarians and everyone in between.

  4. The kids gloves need to come off. These looters/rioters/arsonists need to be stomped on so hard their grand-kids will feel it.

    1. …or, you know, don’t have them in the first place.

      I wouldn’t welcome a whole ‘nother couple of generations being raised by these people, would you?

      1. Reminds me of a great quote: “my boot is going to have a conversation with his ass that will leave birthmarks on his grandchildren!” — Harbin Reel in “Insanity’s Children” by Rolf Nelson

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