Yeager’s diary was filled with drawings and writings, detailing rape fantasies. He spent five months working on the plan, including putting together a list of more than 200 real estate agents. “I truly enjoy the hunt and cannot wait for my prize,” one diary entry read. “If you are reading this I found a realtor woman and raped her. I have been planning and have wanted this my whole life.”

Source: Attempted rapist: ‘I truly enjoy the hunt and cannot wait for my prize’ |

This is a pure predator. A calculating bastard. No amount of therapy or good wishes, hugs and ponies is gonna transform him into a good member of society. He only lives to satisfy his urges.

And that we have women waving a flag of feminism telling other women that using deadly force against scum like this is wrong. These women are nothing more that victim suppliers for scum like Yaeger. Accomplices.

And I am not going to even touch the other segment of feminists that equal a wolf whistle with what a man like that does to women.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on ““But if we educate them, they won’t rape.””
  1. Evil exists.

    It preys on the weak and vulnerable.

    Only your enemy wants you disarmed so you can be the victim of such evil.

    The “Moms Demand Action” group might as well be holding down the rape victims.

    1. The demanding moms are in the same category as ‘moderate’ moslems, they are at best enablers if not facilitators. End of story.

  2. Upgrading carry gun to 454. Something that big, mean, and ugly requires a dangerous game caliber.

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