OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) — Another disturbing headline about the shooting in Oakland comes from the ABC7 I-Team, law enforcement sources tell us school officials have sent text messages to shooting victims, instructing them not to cooperate with police.
Law enforcement sources tell the I-Team, Oakland police investigators have obtained text messages from the shooting victims’ phones in which Rudsdale school officials tell them not to cooperate with police.
Why don’t they want cops to investigate? First, this being Oakland, a city basically controlled by criminals, I cannot think it is a mixture of BLM politics and compliance with the criminal overlords.
Former Oakland City Council President Ignacio De La Fuente says, his connections inside the police department tell him, Rudsdale school officials have a history of failing to protect students, and that Oakland Unified has not done enough either.
“If you remember, the school district used to have their own police, then OPD was serving some of the schools with campuses, they actually threw him out because they didn’t want uniformed police officers on their campuses, these things happen because we allow them to happen,” said De La Fuente.The I-Team’s law enforcement sources tell us this is part of a disturbing pattern by officials at that school – a lack of cooperation with police, especially after one troubling incident just weeks ago.
“A kid was stabbed. He was bleeding. He was pistol-whipped. A gun was discovered at school. And yet the school district did nothing about it,” said BayTech parent Mario Juarez.
Cases of criminals in school like Trayvon Martin was not an exception. Hushed nutjobs like Nikolas Cruz in Parkland was not a once in a lifetime event. This a pattern of misbehavior by school officials to sell the fake idea they are educating kids in a safe environment. But reality is showing that the kids are being indoctrinated, groomed and even killed.
But we are the ones at fault because our guns.
So the school admin denies it but they have text messages to the parents along w/ police reports from at least one incident stating the school was causing problems.
If there’s smoke, there’s fire.
“This a pattern of misbehavior by school officials to sell the fake idea they are educating kids in a safe environment. But reality is showing that the kids are being indoctrinated, groomed and even killed.”
The reality is your average school administrator is a leftist, which means they have the reasoning ability of a five year old. The response to a problem is to pretend it does not exist, or cover it up.
They want to say their schools are safe, so they do everything they can do to make them safe… on paper. Kid brings a gun/knife/bomb into the school, and they pretend it did not happen. Oh… they may give the kid detention, or suspend them, but they will never report the incident. That might make them look bad.
Children in charge of educating children has no other possible outcome than crime, failure, and indoctrination.