Antifa carry skateboards as weapons. It’s purposeful and deliberate.

This is the aftermath:

It’s a very hard and strong piece of plywood.  It does a lot of damage when it’s used as an impact weapon.

Carrying a skateboard at a protest should be considered possession of an offensive weapon and justification for immediate arrest.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “By now a skateboard should be considered an offensive weapon”
  1. Problem being, police allow fascists to to do ANYTHING THEY WANT, so good luck with “arrests”.

  2. Heartily second the sentiment, but not holding my breath. IMO, the skateboard wielder should be DRT, just like the Texas AK wielder.

  3. I remember a skateboard wielding, swinging, ‘protestor’ in Kenosha not faring well at the muzzle of an AR last year.

  4. Since it is antifa he could have beaten that preacher to death with that skateboards, happily proclaimed it on video and dared the cops to arrest him. After all it is fully legal to murder anyone they want.

    Just wait until antifa shows up with guns and livestream themselves shooting and killing everyone there and not only will they not be arrested but anyone here that shoots back will be arrested and convicted.

    Like I said, it’s only a matter of time until antifa is allowed to murder anyone and everyone they want including going door to door of entire neighborhoods breaking into hundreds if not thousands of homes and killing off the hundreds if not thousands of people daily. And if you think the government will do anything the government fully supports that. I’d go so far to say when antifa mobs start going door to door to kill all who get in there way the United States military will be deployed to kill for antifa people that resist a bit too hard.

    It sounds insane but these are Democrats. We already know what they want: to kill every single solitary person in the United States that voted for Trump, owns guns, is a Republican and has any conservative values.

  5. “…but anyone here that shoots back will be arrested and convicted.”

    Not if you have enough ammunition and good aim. Having a couple well-skilled team members with you couldn’t hurt, either.

  6. It’s a very hard and strong piece of plywood. It does a lot of damage when it’s used as an impact weapon.

    That it is, and that it does.

    But it’s not the plywood you need to worry about. It’s the wheels and trucks. (The “trucks”, for those unfamiliar with skateboard nomenclature, are the parts bolted to the plywood part — the “deck” — that make up the steering mechanism and axles.)

    The plywood deck is bad enough, but the wheels are made of a rock-hard resin (hard enough to roll for miles on asphalt while bearing the weight of a rider), and the trucks are steel. And the wheels and trucks between them carry most of the mass of the skateboard; the deck weighs several ounces, but a completed board weighs a few pounds.

    When an antifa member swings a skateboard, it carries force and impact on the scale of an aluminum baseball bat. Objectively, a baseball bat coming at your head is deadly force.

    1. The plywood is also very dangerous when it’s swung so the narrow edge hits you, as was attempted in Kenosha. Even if the flat of the board isn’t held to be a deadly weapon — which is hard enough to claim, but suppose you stipulate that much — the edge of the board is deadly without question.

      Since you can’t tell how the board will be swung at you, the rational and reasonable assumption to make is that you’re being threatened with imminent risk of death, hence justification of the use of deadly force enters into effect. (At least in civilized states.)

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