Saw this over Wirecutter’s and could not believe it.

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Vaccine supply may be scarce, but who can get vaccinated seems to be budding in California.

More groups, like cannabis workers, have been added to the state’s first tier of vaccine distribution before moving onto an age-based system.

But there’s some concern over why this group has now become a priority.

“It seems to be more of a luxury than a necessity,” said one Sacramento resident.

Other residents like Nancy Beckman said especially when others are still waiting their turn.

There are people who needed to be vaccinated ahead of them,” she said. “Like teachers, grocery store workers.”

Cannabis Workers, Massage Therapists Added To Tier 1 Of Vaccinations 

And please, do not try to sell me the “medicinal purpose” part of the whole scam, that excuse died the week after it was the law and people started to get prescriptions easier than signing in for a free vacation in Hawaii if you only hear a little presentation about Time Shares.

Welcome to the Kamala State.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “California COVID Vaccine distribution: Joints before Munchies”
  1. How can cannabis workers be on the priority list and no grocery workers? I mean haven’t they heard of “The Munchies?” ?

  2. Prioritizing drugs, and making firearm ownership as onerous as possible.

    The action of dictator wanna-bes.

    Drugs are a way for the government to control the population. Guns are a way for the population to control the government.

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