I caught a documentary on the History Channel, LA Riots: 25 Years Later.

It was fascinating.

Here is the trailer (it actually premiered April 23rd)

Early on in the documentary, it was discussed how the police were told to pull back or stand down.

It was felt that during the Watts Riots in 1965, the presence of police antagonized the crowds and made the riots worse.  The decision was made to hold the police back and allow the people to vent their frustration and not have the police exacerbating the tension on by arresting those throwing rocks or engaged in minor crimes.

The result of allowing the riots to get out of hand was over 50 dead, 2,000 wounded, and $1 BILLION in property damage.

As it turns out, when dealing with a riot, it is like dealing with a wildfire.

You put it out while it is small, before it spreads and burns down the whole forest.  Assuming that it will burn out on its own is just inviting disaster.

Think about that lesson learned in 1992 when you read that Berkeley police had a stand down order when it came to campus speaker riots.

Lets be clear.


Causes this:

California had three chances to learn this, 1965, 1992, and now 2017.

They won’t.  They are blinded by ideology.  Maintaining law and order in The Golden State is not part of how they do things.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “California Culture”
  1. Ann Coulter is suing Berkeley and the Berkeley police in their professional and INDIVIDUAL roles for attempting to suppress her First Amendment rights. She has also stated she is speaking at Berkeley on Thursday April 27th no matter what. She will hold her speech outside using a bullhorn. I think she intends to bring a few friends and allies to the free speech party.

    Thursday is going to be very interesting.

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