From ABC News 7:


California Governor Gavin Newsom has a stark message for Republican lawmakers — if the federal government doesn’t give financial aid to California, they’ll only be punishing first responders.

“I hope they’ll consider this, the next time they want to salute and celebrate our heroes and first responders, our police officers and firefighters, consider the fact that they are the first ones that will be laid off by cities and counties,” Newsom told CNN’s Jake Tapper during a Sunday morning interview when asked what will happen if California doesn’t get federal aid.

This is hostage taking and it is evil.

A reasonable leader would look for any area to cut the budget that had the least impact on people.

You can’t tell me that California isn’t wasting money on some worthless bullshit like public art or repainting pride flag crosswalks or something else that they could do to make funds available for police and firefighters.

That’s what a responsible leader would do.

Governor Newsom, instead, is going to cut firefighters going into wildfire season and police after letting criminals out of prison for COVID.

He’s going to put the residents of his state at greater risk for harm to fabricating the talking point “Republicans are hypocrites for calling first responders heroes but not giving us federal money to pay for them.”

This is obscene to a flabbergasting degree.

This goes beyond politics, this is straight up immoral and show you what the Left’s priorities really are.

Californians need to buy some guillotines.

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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “California Governor holding Californians hostage for bailouts”
  1. Standard Democrat pretty tyranny hypocrisy (redundant, I know). Do what I say or I’ll make you less safe by taking away the police. Do what I say or I’ll send my police to arrest you. Rule by fear in either case. In addition this threat allows them to cry “Republicans only want to kill people.”

  2. But this is standard operating procedure for all government entities faced with getting less money.

    “If you don’t approve the property tax increase we won’t have enough money for the schools, teachers will have to be let go.”

    “If you don’t approve the increase in taxes, the city/town won’t have enough money. We’ll have to cut EMS and Fire services.”

    It is never administrators that are cut. It is never pet projects that are on the cutting block, it is always police, EMS and teachers.

    A few years ago I got the local SB policy changed. The schools asked for an increase in funding and for the first time in 25 years, the citizens said “NO”. This was when everybody was having a hard time of it under O.

    This meant that the teachers didn’t get the pay raise they were asking for.

    The school administrators did not require citizen approval to get a pay raise, only the school board had to approve it.

    The policy change I got implemented was that nobody in the school system, Admin, staff or teachers could get a pay raise if the teachers pay raise was not approved by the citizens.

    It was amazing how fast the School Board jumped to make that change once I suggested that there might be some outrage over the admin staff getting raises when the teachers were not.

  3. When I was a firefighter, we had gone 7 years without a raise and were losing people to other departments that were paying more. The raise we were looking for would have cost the city $200K out of a $6M budget. When we pointed that out, we were told that there was no money in the budget for raises.

    The next day, there was an article in the paper about how the city was installing a fountain inside of a traffic circle at a cost of $500K. So we pitched a fit. We got our raise, but instead of cancelling the fountain, they raised taxes and blamed firefighters for the increase by calling the increase a “fire fee” on everyone’s electric bill.

    We were hassled by citizens for that tax increase for years, with citizens calling us greedy. The politicians came out looking like they were protecting people from the greedy union firefighters.

  4. Golden rule – the one with the gold makes the rules.

    It’s established precedent that the Fed Gov can withhold money if the recipient isn’t using it in accord with the FG’s wishes. See, for instance, federal highway funding re 55mph speed limits, carpool lane installation, etc.

    This is no different. If CA says it needs, let’s say, $126M for first-responder support, but is spending $125M on illegal alien payments, then the FG could choose to give CA $1M. CA is making the choice how to spend that $125M, not the Feds.

    Hopefully the CA taxpayers will see through what Newsom is trying to do.

  5. Oldest political game in the book.

    If you do not let me raise taxes to help the ________, I will have to cut the school/park/fire/police/other good thing budget. The idiot mayor in my city wants to help the homeless, so when he runs out of money and cannot get the tax cap raised, the libraries got cut. First the hours, next one library closed. The roads don’t get plowed unless there is more than XYZ inches of snow, etc…

    Politicians that want to fund pet projects that do not help out the taxpayers one bit willingly destroy what the taxpayers want until they get their prize.

  6. I seem to recall during one of the government shutdowns O managed to close every park and White House tours to save money, things people actually used and enjoyed, instead of laying off all the useless chaff populating offices everywhere. Go for what disrupts people the most, and then blame your opponent.

    1. 0 actually spent a measurable amount of money shutting down parks. He directed the park service to cordon off the national monuments across DC, they are open air, unstaffed (or minimally staffed) monuments. Just walk up and enjoy, or walk past. But… 0 had to make the shutdown as painful as possible.

      And, it was all planned. It can take 90 days to six months to get a procurement through the contracting process, but suddenly, they day after the shutdown, professionally printed signs appeared stating the park/monument/site was closed due to the government shut down.

  7. It ain’t no biggie! I doubt even Kalifornia would put up with emergency responders being laid off by this idiot! Let him try it!!

      1. No, I drove into Kalifornia a couple of years ago…only about fifty miles in just to say I’d been there but I didn’t stay long as I had three guns in my truck!

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