Miguel’s post California to lead the country again! reminded me of this:

California COVID-19 benefits fraud could reach $9.8 billion

California may have paid out nearly $10 billion in phony coronavirus unemployment claims — more than double the previous estimate — with some of that money going to organized crime in Russia, China and other countries, according to a security firm hired to investigate the fraud.

The state has acknowledged that the department was bilked out of hundreds of millions of dollars in COVID-19 unemployment funds that went to fraudsters, including some in the name of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Others were sent to inmates in jails and prisons, including some on California’s death row.

Law abiding Californians are on indefinite lockdown and can’t get assistance, but China, the Russian mob, Nigerian scammers, and fraudsters can get cash.

California is a state that serves the tech billionaires and criminals, everyone else gets fucked.

That is what America will become.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “California to lead the country again! (Pt. 2)”
  1. Ya know, maybe Im a lunatic. I dont see America standing for alot of biden foolery. This is the start of “awaking the sleeping giant”. Time doth tell all. Meanwhhile live your life, plan accordingly

  2. Read your Ayn Rand.

    Socialism replaces hard work, innovation, and earnings as the road to wealth with political pull.

    CA is a study in that.

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