I’m so excited that California will be the model for the rest of the United States in the Biden administration.

Let’s see how well California is doing in the first days of 2021.


That’s not good.  Not for law-abiding citizens at least.

2020 was a banner year for homicides and 2021 is already breaking 2020 records.

If California portends for America the future of this country is a very high chance of getting murdered by a felon with multiple convictions, who was let out of prison because of COVID, to make room for all the people with no criminal history being thrown in prison because they didn’t wear a mask when going for a jog or driving alone in their cars.


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By J. Kb

One thought on “California to lead the country again! (Pt. 3)”
  1. But, racism and white supremacy!

    Defund the police!

    Prisoners are wards of the state, and deserve the State’s protection against a pandemic.

    It is not until leftists suffer the consequences of their action that they learn. Maybe this is one (of many) necessary lessons that the idiots running CA need to learn

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