“Calexit” is swiftly taking over social media.
After Donald Trump won the race to the White House, people across California took to social media Tuesday night to call for “Calexit” — California exit — recalling Brexit, Britain’s push to leave the European Union.As the topic continues to trend on Twitter, Californians in favor of seceding from the US will gather today on the steps of the capitol in Sacramento.
Source: Californians are calling for a ‘Calexit’ in wake of Trump’s win – Business Insider
Dear Californians, I have Good News and I have Bad News.
Good News: You have the full support of most of the “rednecks” and “Trailer Park Trash” of all colors, sexes and religions in the US. Truthfully, we would not shed a tear if you leave the Union. Hell, Puerto Rico would suddenly become desperate to become the 50th state just not to screw up the flag.
Bad News: There is no way in HELL that the Democratic Party will let you guys go anywhere even if it takes an act of God and a deal with the Mexican Drug Cartels to invade and take over L.A. so you are kept reigned in. California has 55 Electoral votes that almost all the time go to the Democrat aiming for the White House and it will be a Siberian day in Hades before they are willing to let them go.
Your Democratic Party Overlords will pull out the whips and flog you till you came back to your senses. They do not like when you get uppity, they do not like the idea of independent people doing their thing. But please, go ahead and fight for your “Calexit”, you have our full support.
There goes your Colorado River water allocation, California! Learn to enjoy being parched.
No guys, don’t tell them the bad news. Let them figure it out for themselves. We WANT them to leave.
I wholeheartedly support Calexit.
Can we repatriate the refugees (Califoricators) that have invaded nearby free states? Please?
“We should nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”
If they really want to move forward, I think we should have a national referendum. If the rest of states want them to leave, then bye-bye.