Reader Therefore sent me this email to share with all of you.

We have a friend who is a trucker.  I explicitly asked him to send us some images/pictures of loaded trucks.  I was going to push them out to help slow down the panic.

The answer I got back wasn’t very pleasant.  Seems that the truckers are “essential” workers and allowed to keep on trucking.  Warehouse workers are not.  Our friend arrived at the warehouse in CA and there were no workers to load the trucks.  Warehouse has lots in it, I won’t say it was full, but nothing like the empty shelves of retailers.  So there is a bunch of truckers waiting in their trucks for the warehouse people to show up to unload and then load.

He’s expecting the government to release warehouse workers tomorrow.  Still, this puts deliveries in CA at least a day behind.

You get the feeling that some decisions are being made by people who have no idea how a supply chain works. It is easy to issue orders. It is hard to issue orders with common sense and forethought.

It will take time to smooth the kinks.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Californication will get you at the end.”
  1. “You get the feeling that some decisions are being made by people who have no idea how a supply chain works.”

    Well, yeah, pretty much. Ever since “politician” started becoming something that people could pursue as a career, rather than a temporary act of service to give back to one’s town, state or country, there have been fewer and fewer politicians who have worked in the real world, or even have a useful skillset other than “getting elected.”

    Hardly a new observation on my part, of course. But while it seems to me to have begun at the federal level, it’s making its way “downhill” to lower and lower levels of government.

  2. Utter incompetence, as one might expect.
    I’ve heard that AB5 is preventing CA medical facilities from engaging the services of temporary staff – it’s regular employees or nothing.

  3. First, we determine that the government bureaucrats are non-essential, then we let the people who know how to get things done do what they do best.

  4. The decisions are being made by people who want to keep you down, and control you. Stopping deliveries looks bad, so truckers can keep moving. But, allowing the wares to be unloaded might result in the masses getting fed, a reduction in panicking, and eventually, a belief that the Government is not there to help you.

    And, a good leftist cannot allow that.

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