By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on “Can you detect the malfunction?”
  1. Nope. Can’t figure it out.?

    I have have had a couple of my students get _one_ round in backwards, but only one.

    1. Oops … Meant to say H&K. I shouldn’t post pre-coffee. Lesson learned yet again.

      1. So, H&K users need to have explanations on the slide telling them what the loaded chamber indicator means?

        Yeah, I knew H&K fanbois were not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, but that is too much. I would expect that kind or warning on a Hi-Point or maybe a Taurus…

  2. I thought it was impossible until I watched somebody loading a mag backwards. When it didn’t go into the mag well with the pointy ends forward, they reversed the magazine and racked the slide.

    You can then take that picture.

    For people that don’t carry with one in the chamber, they don’t see their major malfunction until they really really need to chamber a round.

  3. True Story: my wife did this one…when questioned her response was “well they went in easier that way.”

    1. Joe Biden- and Everytown-approved!

      Guaranteed to shoot the gun owner in the face, Looney Tunes-style! (I think I actually remember this happening to Elmer Fudd.)

      By next year, they’ll be the only rounds allowed on the market. Because “Gun Safety”! Or something.

  4. I thought it was a picture of the gun from one of those Matt Helm (or was it one of the “Flint” series) movie in the sixties. You remember — it was designed to only be safe for the assigned agent. . .

  5. Guilty. Jammed the gun right up. Not sure how it happened, but theorizing that the round spun as it dropped into the magazine, and I didn’t notice. Should not have been ABLE to spin around, but if such can happen, it will happen to me.

    1. This looks like a magazine full of “spun rounds” So, while your incident can happen, this is not even close.

  6. Probably newby. I’ve had several do that, then “There’s something wrong with my gun.”

    Had one guy who loaded the mag backwards, then tried to insert it backwards.

  7. Bad magazine stops on the magazine or in the pistol, wrong magazine for the pistol, utter stupidity OR photoshop.

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