What little I learned from Spain growing up had the little tidbit that the Canary Islands were volcanic. But since the volcanos had been dormant for so long, people thought they were extinct. Not so apparently

One of things I saw in the video was the amount of CO2 dumped in the atmosphere…per day

Click to enlarge

633 metric tons a day of CO2. That is 24,054 metric tons since it began with the festivities. I believe Spain is pretty much over the Emissions limit for the year.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Canary Island Volcano: Live Feed”
  1. Fire god much pissed, we need to start sacrificing worthless libtardian butt breathers to appease mighty fire god.

  2. The seismic activity continues there at a significant level, so it may not have peaked yet.

    Meanwhile Donner Pass in California gets an early start on he heavy snows (higher than the floor of the semi trailers in the video I watched).

  3. CO2 emissions????? Aaaaaaahhhhhhh we all gonna
    Ddddiiiiiieeeee….. Gee whiz, my “science” tells me thats 24 what ever metric tons more. OXYGEN in the world… “Fire God “ much pissed indeed..

  4. Spain and Portugal are also being covered volcanic ash. The article I was reading said it was playing havoc with all the solar panels.

  5. Natural sources of CO2 do not count. Must be ignored. There is no way the statist can control the population if they admit climate change is not 100% man made.

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