Miguel posted this video about Trump’s cult like force.

I caught something else, much worse, in Alyssa Milano’s statement.

Milano claims that 80% of sexual assaults are not reported.

Her line of logic is therefore, when one is reported it must be true.  I’m going to ignore that last part of that and focus on the first part.

What I’m about to say is going to be cold hearted and mean, but I don’t feel like I have any choice.

Ladies, we cannot help you or take your complaints seriously if you cannot help yourself.

The whole Kavanaugh issue really turned into “because other men did horrible things, we have to destroy Kavanaugh because he was accused of doing something horrible even though there was no evidence.”

When there was push back against this, invoking due process and the rights of the accused, the response was “but other men.”

Woman after woman screaming in protest and at Senators claiming to be survivors, yet I am to understand that 8 out of 10 of them didn’t report their own assault so now Kavanaugh must pay the price.

Ladies, this is not how you make a civil society function.  Transference and collective punishment is not the foundation of a healthy judicial system.

If you are mad enough about your own sexual assault to scream and cry and demand that another man suffer, why were you not mad enough to report the assault that happened to you?

If you are a survivor that screams in solidarity with other survivors, why did you not report your own assault?  Why allow you rapist or attacker to go free and commit more rapes and assaults when your report could have stopped him?

I keep hearing “it’s hard.”   Yeah.  So is becoming a member of the board, or Senior Managing Partner, or CEO.  Women are supposed to be as tough enough to do that, but it’s somehow acceptable for women not to have the fortitude to report their own sexual assault.

I know I’m going to be accused of victim blaming here but that’s not what this is at at all.

Screaming hysterically how you are a victim and some other guy that didn’t hurt your must be destroyed, while you never reported or charged the man that hurt you, makes you look unserious and unbalanced.

I agree, rape and sexual assault are horrible crimes.  They must be stopped.  We can’t stop them if you don’t report them.

We can’t help you if you can’t help yourselves.

You don’t have to go all Paul Kersey on your attacker, but you have to take the first step.

Man up.


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By J. Kb