Eve’s Hubby sent me an email last week.

There was a reported incident in my apartment parking lot earlier this week. From what I heard, the car trunk was wide open with all the belongings scattered about. No other cars were vandalized, including mine.

I pity the owner, but this is an important lesson of maintaining security. Car thefts in Madison are widespread, and most are easy pickings with unlocked doors, keys left in the ignition, etc.

Needless to say, I feel very vindicated in ensuring my car is locked wherever I am out of it for any period of time. I also have you to thank for never relenting in pushing the message for safe storage of pistols in cars and guns in the home. I shudder to think what would have happened if that had been my car and I ignored your advice.

And that made me realize I had not given you guys more crap lately about making sure no weapons are left in your vehicle overnight and to keep the damn thing locked. And again, to have a box to lock your firearm should you have to go to a non-friendly place.

Apparently Jeeps are easy to break in? And old tradition continues.


This lady left the car unlocked and she is laughing about the guy getting caught by the dash cam. How about locking the car?

I am seeing that they are also more organized: two or three suspects, highly mobile and with glass punchers, flashlights and gloves.

Nothing visible, doors locked, they left. Notice the security light coming on and they just ignored it.

Cameras do not deter, lights do not deter, glass can be broken.

They change tactics, that was something not unexpected. Criminal behavior is Darwinian: They adapt, evolve to the circumstances.  Still the principles to counter this behavior remain: Keep the vehicle locked and do not leave anything valuable or looking valuable visible.

Will it work 100%? No, nothing does, but it will reduce the chances, specially if other idiots continue to leave their cars as big fat easy targets.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Car Break Ins: Are we being safe?”
  1. I add that we should also not decorate our cars to draw attention to ourselves. We can afford to be discreet by not having NRA or Come and Take It plastered all over the sides. The same applies for the home. Speak softly.

  2. It took me years to train my lady to not leave her house keys in the car when she went in. “But they aren’t the car keys, they can’t be used to steal the car!”. “They won’t know that until they have broken into the car, and then they are going to be pissed that the keys don’t work, I don’t want them attacking you or having to pay for a new window”

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