

Anti-gunners apparently trust thieves


How many videos have we seen of thieves shooting store clerks after the clerk has handed over all the money in the register?

The assumption that the anti-gun Left makes is that theft is transactional.  If you give the thief what he wants, you will be unharmed.

That, in and of itself of morally grotesque, but it’s also a lie.

The thief may kill you to stop you from calling the cops, or just for fun.

Every theft is a self defense situation because you cannot tell if the thief will harm you.

Why NYC needs concealed carry

Because dude are robbing people with knives in the streets.

Despite what anti-gun idiots say, knives are serious weapons.

The safest way to defend yourself from a criminal with a knife is to stay out of the knife danger zone and use a gun.

The Indiana Jones defense.

Only Police and Military should have guns. (Ugandan version – Graphic video)

Uganda Police Force are investigating a case of murder by shooting that happened today at Rajja Chambers in Kampala. UTTAM BHANDARI an Indian by Nationality and the Director of TFS Financial Services was shot dead by a police officer only identified as No.67029 PC Wabwire Ivan.

Those of us who lived in “Developing” countries are not surprised by things like this because it is the local status quo. And unless the Ugandan cop had some enemies in the force, he will spend the next year “confined” to barracks and after a long investigation, nobody will care, most will have forgotten and he will return to his duties having enjoyed free pay, roof, 3 squares and the occasional visit by hookers and family.

“This will never happen here!”

Don’t bet on it, Skippy.

Inviting the fox to the henhouse.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — From eyes in the sky to your front porch, Metro police are now using a new video program, Connect Nashville, to help fight crime.

“As of this morning, we’ve had 456 cameras that have been registered,” said Robert Weaver, community coordinator for the Hermitage precinct.

The idea behind the program is quite simple. It allows community members to voluntarily link their Ring doorbell or security cameras to the Metro Nashville Police Department.

Connect Nashville: How your security cameras could help fight crime (wkrn.com)

Hell, no! I don’t care what kind of help Nashville may need, but voluntarily giving them a chance to screw me is not something anybody with some basic knowledge of history would do.  The potential for misuse is just astronomical. Just imagine the Metro Council deciding to impose fines for a “violation” (Revenue collection) and using your camera as evidence collection to ram you a fine up your butt. Being surveilled by a former lover who happens to work for the government? Or maybe selling information of the comings and goings of a potential witness to some accused criminal waiting to be tried? And how the Fed is now behaving towards people they consider political enemies, it is not a stretch of the imagination that they would request access to the cameras to collect evidence against a mom who spoke against children being sexualized at school, or because they are anti-abortion and considered as radicalization threats.

Again: Hell, no!


Daniel Penny is fucked because New Yorkers are broken people

Miguel sent me this article:

Charges in NYC chokehold death may hinge on ‘reasonableness’

The potential criminal charges against a U.S. Marine veteran who put Jordan Neely in a fatal chokehold aboard a New York City subway train might depend on whether a “reasonable” New Yorker would have acted similarly.

Oh well, he’s fucked.

The problem isn’t what he did, the problem is New Yorkers are emotionally damaged people who have been beaten down by life in the Big City.

Outside of New York, a crazy vagrant threatening people in a train car from which there is no escape is a real danger, and reasonable people will defend themselves from that.

In New York City, that’s a normal day on the subway and just be sure not to stand too close to the platform edge so he can’t easily push you on front of a train.  If he scares you and you feel the need to defend yourself, you’re just a pussy and not a real New Yorker.

What’s reasonable everywhere is isn’t reasonable in New York because New Yorkers are unreasonable.